The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

UCB/SESM-1964/01 Analysis of Earth Motion Accelerograms, Jenschke, Victor A.; Clough, Ray W.; Penzien, Joseph

UCB/SESM-1964/02a Seismic Effects on Structures Supported on Piles Extending Through Deep Sensitive Clays, Parmelee, Richard A.; Penzien, Joseph; Scheffey, Charles F.; Seed, H. Bolton; Thiers, Gerald R.

UCB/SESM-1964/02b Shear strength of reinforced concrete beams, Series II, Bresler, Boris; Scordelis, Alex C.

UCB/SESM-1964/03 Edge Disturbances in Axisymmetrical Shells of Revolution, Lu, Zung An; Popov, Egor P.

UCB/SESM-1964/04 A Review and Evaluation of Bridge Barrier Design and Experiment Procedures, Brown, Colin B.