PEER-2016/01 A Methodology for the estimation of Kappa (k) from large datasets: example application to rock sites in the NGA-East database and implications on design motions, Ktenidou, Olga-Joan; Abrahamson, Norman A.; Darragh, Robert B.; Silva, Walter J.
PEER-2016/02 Semi-Automated procedure for windowing time series and computing Fourier amplitude spectra for the NGA-West2 database, Kishida, Tadahiro; Ktenidou, Olga-Joan; Darragh, Robert B.; Silva, Walter J.
PEER-2016/03 Simulation confidence in tsunami-driven overland flow, Lynett, Patrick
PEER-2016/04 The Mw 6.0 South Napa earthquake of August 24, 2014 : A wake-up call for renewed investment in seismic resilience across California, Johnson, Laurie A.; Mahin, Stephen A.
PEER-2016/05 Ground-Motion prediction equations for arias intensity consistent with the NGA-West2 ground-motion models, Abrahamson, Charlotte; Shi, Hao-Jun Michael; Yang, Brian
PEER-2016/06 California earthquake early warning system benefit study, Johnson, Laurie A.; Rabinovici, Sharyl; Kang, Grace S.; Mahin, Stephen A.
PEER-2016/07 Hybrid simulation theory for a classical nonlinear dynamical system, Drazin, Paul L.; Govindjee, Sanjay
PEER-2016/08 Resilience of critical structures, infrastructure, and communities, Cimellaro, Gian P.; Zamani Noori, Ali; Kammouh, Omar; Terzic, Vesna; Mahin, Stephen A.
PEER-2016/09 Detailing requirements for column plastic hinges subjected to combined flexural, axial, and torsional seismic loading, Hurtado, Gabriel; Moehle, Jack P.
PEER-2016/10 Performance-based robust nonlinear seismic analysis with application to reinforced concrete highway bridge systems, Liang, Xiao; Mosalam, Khalid M.