The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-201204262
Title: Liquefaction impacts in residential areas in the 2010 - 2011 Christchurch earthquakes
Creator(s): Cubrinovski, Misko; Henderson, Duncan; Bradley , Brendon

Icon Identifier: Text-201204263
Title: Comparing liquefaction phenomena observed during the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake and the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Verdugo, Ramón

Icon Identifier: Text-201204264
Title: Relationship between age of ground and liquefaction occurrence in the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Ishihara, Masanori; Sasaki, Tetsuya

Icon Identifier: Text-201204265
Title: Behavior of liquefied soil near boundary of backfilled basin due to main and following maximum aftershock
Creator(s): Onoue, Atsuo

Icon Identifier: Text-201204266
Title: Technical and societal problems to be solved in geotechnical issues
Creator(s): Towhata, Ikuo; Kiku, Hiroyoshi; Taguchi, Yuichi

Icon Identifier: Text-201204267
Title: Liquefaction-induced damage to buildings in Urayasu City during the 2011 Tohoku Pacific earthquake
Creator(s): Tokimatsu, Kohji; Katsumata, Kota

Icon Identifier: Text-201204269
Title: Earthquake damage investigation of gravity-type quay walls in Ibraki port
Creator(s): Takahashi, Hidenori; Oohashi, Terumi; Endoh, Hidenori

Icon Identifier: Text-201204271
Title: Evaluation of design and construction practices - a lesson learnt from Kashmir earthquake
Creator(s): Kazmi, Zaheer Abbas; Ahmed, Tauqir; Saleem, Umair; Irfan, Muhammad

Icon Identifier: Text-201204273
Title: Damage investigation and seismic retrofit of bridges in Taiwan after 921 Chi-Chi earthquake
Creator(s): Sung, Yu-Chi; Chang, Kuo-Chun; Chang, Dyi-Wei; Hung, Hsiao-Hui; Liu, Kuang-Yen

Icon Identifier: Collection-201205031
Title: International symposium on engineering lessons learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, March 1-4, 2012 - PART TWO

Icon Identifier: Text-201207117
Title: Proceedings of the 43rd joint meeting of the U.S. - Japan panel on wind and seismic effects UNJR
Creator(s): Tamura, Keiichi

Icon Identifier: Text-201207186
Title: Summary of the field survey and research on "The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake" (the great East Japan earthquake)

Icon Identifier: Text-201207251
Title: One year after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake - international symposium on engineering lessons learned from the giant earthquake, March 1-4, 2012, Kenchiku-kaikan, Tokyo, Japan : program and abstract volume

Icon Identifier: Text-201210091
Title: One year after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake - international symposium on engineering lessons learned from the giant earthquake, March 1-4, 2012, Kenchiku-kaikan, Tokyo, Japan : papers

Icon Identifier: Text-201211286
Title: Response of a tall building far from the epicenter of the March 11, 2011 M=9.0 Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Okawa, Izuru; Kashima, Toshihide; Koyama, Shin; Iiba, Masanori

Icon Identifier: Text-201303252
Title: Proceedings of the International Symposium for Bridge Earthquake Engineering in honor of retirement of Professor Kazuhiko Kawashima

Icon Identifier: Text-201305164
Title: Japan's 2011 earthquake and tsunami : economic effects and implications for the United States
Creator(s): Nanto, Dick K.; Cooper, William H.; Donnelly, J. Michael

Icon Identifier: Text-201305222
Title: Images from the 2011 Tohoku, Japan earthquake and tsunami

Icon Identifier: Text-2013100412
Title: Implications for design of response-controlled buildings from full-scale lab tests and actual earthquake observations
Creator(s): Kasai, Kazuhiko

Icon Identifier: Text-2013100413
Title: Performance of response-controlled buildings during the huge 2011 Earthquake
Creator(s): Kani, Nagahide; Ogino, N.; Kitamura, Yoshihisa; Kitamura, Haruyuki; Fukazawa, Y.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013100414
Title: Behavior of seismically isolated buildings based on observed motion records during the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Creator(s): Iiba, Masanori; Kashima, Toshihide; Morita, Koichi; Azuhata, Tatsuya; Inoue, Namihiko; Tanuma, Takehiko

Icon Identifier: Text-201312166
Title: Earthquake engineering research framework towards research roadmap based on the lessons learnt from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
Creator(s): Nishiyama, Isao; Fukuyama, Hiroshi; Mukai, Akiyoshi; Iiba, Masanori; Ando, Shoichi; Mukai, Tomohisa

Icon Identifier: Text-201403191
Title: International workshop of special projects for reducing vulnerability for urban mega earthquake disasters : program and abstracts, October 29-31, 2012, Ichinobo, Matshushima

Icon Identifier: Text-2014051613
Title: Miyagi no umibe, omoide no fukei : koku shashinshu : 2011.3.11

Icon Identifier: Text-2014051614
Title: Detailed maps of the impacts of the 2011 Japan Tsunami
Creator(s): Haraguchi, Tsuyoshi; Iwamatsu, Akira

Icon Identifier: Text-201408213
Title: An Experimental study on countermeasure for mitigating tsunami effect on highway bridge
Creator(s): Zhang, Guangfeng; Hoshikuma, Jun-ichi; Usui, Toshihiro

Icon Identifier: Text-201408214
Title: Tohoku, Japan, earthquake and tsunami of 2011 - performance of structures under tsunami loads
Creator(s): Chock, Gary Y.; Robertson, Ian N.; Kriebel, David; Francis, Matthew

Icon Identifier: Text-201408216
Title: Tohoku, Japan, earthquake and tsunami of 2011 - survey of coastal structures
Creator(s): Ewing, Lesley; Takahashi, Shigeo; Petroff, Catherine M.

Icon Identifier: Text-2014110515
Title: Lessons learned from the Fukushima nuclear accident for improving safety of U.S. nuclear plants

Icon Identifier: Text-201501136
Title: Recommendations for enhancing reactor safety in the 21st century : the near-term task force review of insights from the Fukushima Dai- Ichi accident
Creator(s): Miller, Charles