Text-201204192 Nakai, Shoichi; Sekiguchi, Toru; Ishino, Hiroki; Estimation of a deep shear wave velocity structure of Chiba City based on arrays of accelerometers
Text-201204193 Mizutani, Hiroyuki; Nishimura, Isao; Hijikata , Katsuichiro; Strong motion records of the Great East Japan earthquake observed at Fukushina Dai-ichi nuclear power plant and Fukushima Dai-ni nuclear power plant
Text-201204194 Nagashima, Fumiaki; Application of the H/v spectral ratios for earthquake ground motions and microtremors at K-Net sites in Tohoku region, Japan to delineate soil nonlinearity during the 2011 off-the-Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake
Text-201204196 De Martin, Florent; Kawase, Hiroshi; Bonilla , Fabian; Inversion of equivalent linear soil parameters during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Japan
Text-201204197 Goto, Hiroyuki; Preliminary study of ground motion characteristics in Furukawa district, Japan, based on very dense seismic array observation
Text-201204198 Hata, Yoshiya; Nozu, Atsushi; Nakamura, Susumu; Takahashi, Yoshikazu; Goto, Hiroyuki; Strong motion estimation at the elevated bridges of the Tohoku Shinkansen damaged by the 2011 off-the-pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake based on extended site effects substitution method
Text-201204199 Fujiwara, Hiroyuki; Morikawa, Nobuyuki; Seismic hazard assessemnt for Japan after the 2011 Tohoku-oki mega-thrust earthquake (Mw9.0)
Text-201204231 Asahara, Hiroshi; Kashiwayanagi, Masayuki; Ohsumi, Tsuneo; Investigation of the seismic records of the 2011 off-the-Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake at a dam site using the empirical Green's function method
Text-201204232 Kataoka, Shojiro; Kaneko, Masahiro; Estimation of strong motion during the 2011 off-the-coast of Tohoku earthquake by a ground motion prediction model
Text-201204233 Midorikawa, Saburoh; Miura, Hiroyuki; Atsumi, Tomohiro; Strong motion records from the 2011 off-the-Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake
Text-201204234 Ohno, Susumu; Motosaka, Masato; Mitsuji, Kazuya; Shibayama, Akihiro; Site response characteristics in Sendai City estimated from acceleration records of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Japan
Text-201204235 Ikeda, Takaaki; Konagai, Kazuo; Katagiri, Toshihiko; Earthquake behavior of the surface layer at Tokyo Bay area during the 2011 off-the-Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake using the downhole array observation records
Text-201204241 Kamiyama, Makoto; Sugito, Masata; Kuse, Masumitsu; Precursor of crustal movements before the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Text-201204242 Kazmi, Zaheer Abbas; Konagai, Kazuo; Tetik, Cigdem; Bray, Jonathan D.; Streig, Ashley; Fault rupture and associated geo-hazards of Fukushima Prefecture Hamadoori earthquake
Text-201204244 Tsuji, Takeshi; Seismogenic faults of the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake : insight from seismic data and seafloor observations
Text-201204245 Nakata,Takashi; Active faults along the Japan Trench and source faults of large earthquakes
Text-201204246 Ikeda, Yasutaka; Long-term strain buildup in the Northeast Japan arc-trench system and its implications for the gigantic subduction earthquake of March 11, 2011
Text-201204248 Yoshimi, Masayuki; Sekiguchi, Haruko; Horikawa, Haruo; Ground motion simulations for great interplate earthquakes around Japan : variability of ground motion resulted from complexity in source models
Text-201204249 Matsuzawa, Toru; Iio, Yoshihisa; The Reasons why we failed to anticipate M9 earthquakes in Northeast Japan
Text-2012042410 Zhao, Dapeng; Mechanism of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake : insight from seismic tomography
Text-201204251 Sekiguchi, Toru; Nakai, Shoichi; Effects of local site conditions on liquefaction damage in Mihama Ward of Chiba City
Text-201204252 Tsukamoto, Yoshimichi; Kawabe, Shouhei; Kokusho, Takaji; Araki, Kazuhiro; Soil liquefaction observed at areas located along the lower stream of Tonegawa River during 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Text-201204253 Kawabe, Shouhei; Tsukamoto, Yoshimichi; Kokusho, Takaji; Takahashi, Ryosuke; Soil liquefaction observed at Katori City located along the lower stream of Tonegawa River during 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Text-201204254 Yasuda, Susumu; Ishikawa, Keisuke; Several features of liquefaction-induced damage to houses and buried lifelines during the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Text-201204255 Senna, Shigeki; Hasegawa, Nobusuke; Maeda, Takahiro; Fujiwara, Hiroyuki; Liquefaction damage of the Tonewaga Basis caused by the 2011 off-the-Pacific Coast of Tohoku earthquake
Text-201204256 Higuchi, Shunichi; Ejiri, Joji; Influence of the earthquake motion characteristics on the ground settlement behavior due to liquefaction
Text-201204257 Yasuhara, Kazuya; Tamura, Makoto; Tabayashi, Yu; Murakami, Satoshi; Nakaji, Hirotaka; Residential damage in Ibaraki during the Great Eastern Japan earthquake
Text-201204258 Ishitsuka, Kazuya; Tsuji, Takeshi; Matsuoka, Toshifumi; Surface change of the soil liquefaction caused by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake derived from SAR data
Text-201204259 Funahara, Hideki; Ishizaki, Sadayuki; Nagao, Toshiaki; Effective stress analyses of two sites with different extent of liquefaction during East Japan earthquake
Text-2012042510 Boulanger, Ross W.; Liquefaction durign the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake : lessons for U.S. practice
Text-201204261 Lee, Wei F.; Ishihara, Kenji; Chen, Chun-Chi; Liquefaction of silty sand : preliminary studies from recent Taiwan, New Zealand and Japan earthquakes
Text-201204262 Cubrinovski, Misko; Henderson, Duncan; Bradley , Brendon; Liquefaction impacts in residential areas in the 2010 - 2011 Christchurch earthquakes
Text-201204263 Verdugo, Ramón; Comparing liquefaction phenomena observed during the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake and the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Text-201204264 Ishihara, Masanori; Sasaki, Tetsuya; Relationship between age of ground and liquefaction occurrence in the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Text-201204265 Onoue, Atsuo; Behavior of liquefied soil near boundary of backfilled basin due to main and following maximum aftershock
Text-201204266 Towhata, Ikuo; Kiku, Hiroyoshi; Taguchi, Yuichi; Technical and societal problems to be solved in geotechnical issues
Text-201204267 Tokimatsu, Kohji; Katsumata, Kota; Liquefaction-induced damage to buildings in Urayasu City during the 2011 Tohoku Pacific earthquake
Text-201204269 Takahashi, Hidenori; Oohashi, Terumi; Endoh, Hidenori; Earthquake damage investigation of gravity-type quay walls in Ibraki port
Text-2012042610 Wakamatsu, Kazue; Recurrent liquefaction induced by the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake compared with the 1987 earthquake
Text-2012042611 Konagai, Kazuo; Soil subsidence map of the Tokyo Bay area liquefied in the March 11th Great East Japan earthquake
Text-2012042612 Keino, Chinami; Kohiyama, Masayuki; Health disturbance of residents in a house with liquefaction damage in Mihama Ward, Chiba City
Text-2012042613 Kokusho, Takaji; Nagao, Yohta; Ito, Fumiki; Fukuyama, Takahisa; Aging effect on sand liquefaction observed during the 2011 earthquake and basic laboratory studies
Text-2012042614 Oh, Lian Ching; Restoration post March 11 2011 earthquake
Text-2012042615 Boroschek, Ruben L.; Contreras, Víctor; Strong ground motion from the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule Chile earthquake and attenuation relations for Chileans subduction zone interface earthquakes
Text-201204271 Kazmi, Zaheer Abbas; Ahmed, Tauqir; Saleem, Umair; Irfan, Muhammad; Evaluation of design and construction practices - a lesson learnt from Kashmir earthquake
Text-201204272 Billings, Ian J.; Charman, Nicholas; Christchurch city lifelines - assessment and repair of concrete potable water reservoirs following the February and June 2011 Christchurch earthquakes
Text-201204273 Sung, Yu-Chi; Chang, Kuo-Chun; Chang, Dyi-Wei; Hung, Hsiao-Hui; Liu, Kuang-Yen; Damage investigation and seismic retrofit of bridges in Taiwan after 921 Chi-Chi earthquake
Text-201204274 Chang, Kuo-Chun; Lee, Zheng-Kuan; Chen, Chien-Chou; Structural assessment of a repaired cable bridge damaged in the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake Chi-Chi earthquake
Text-201204275 Kusunoki, Koichi; Quick report of the 2011 Van earthquake
Text-201204276 Eidinger, John M.; Performance of buried high voltage power cables due to liquefaction
Text-201204277 Pujol, Santiago; An initiative to preserve information about the 2010 Maule, Chile earthquake : following the roadmap laid out by Shiga and Shibata
Text-201204278 Erdik, Mustafa; Kamer, Yaver; Demircioglu, Mine B.; Sesetyan, Karin; Report on 2012 Van (Turkey) earthquakes
Text-201204279 Telleen, Karl; Lessons for concrete wall design from the 2010 Maule Chile earthquake
Text-2012042710 Ulusay, Resat; Kumsar, Halil; Konagai, Kazuo; Aydan, Ömer; The Characteristics of geotechnical damage by the 2011 Van-Ercis earthquake
Text-2012042711 Lagos, René; Kupfer, Marianne; Performance of high rise buildings under the February 27th 2010 Chilean earthquake
Text-2012042712 Konagai, Kazuo; Ulusay, Resat; Kumsar, Halil; Aydan, Ömer; Çelebi, Mehmet; The characteristics of seismic, strong motion and structural damage of the 2011 Van - Ercis earthquake
Text-2012042713 Chen, Tien-Chien; Initiation of hillside debris flow affected by Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan
Text-201204301 Aydan, Ömer; Kumsar, Halil; Ulusay, Resat; Kose, Onur; Çelebi, Mehmet; The Characteristics of the triggered 2011 Van-Edremit earthquake and induced damage
Text-201204302 Unjoh, Shigeki; Repair and retrofit of bridges damaged by the 2010 Chile Maule earthquake
Text-201204303 Song, Bo; Qi, Fuqiang; Huang, Shuai; Damage analysis on buildings in towns and villages around the junction area of the Sichuan and Gansu in Wenchuan earthquake
Text-201204304 Bonelli, Patricio; Restrepo, Jose I.; Boroschek, Ruben L.; Cravallo, Jorge F.; The 2010 Great Chile earthquake - changes to design codes
Text-201204305 Lin, Meei-Ling; Lin, Yeng-Ji; Hsu, Hsiao-Yuan; Case studies on the sliding behaviors of the Tsao-Ling dip-slope landslides induced by earthquakes
Collection-201203281 International symposium on engineering lessons learned from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, March 1-4, 2012 - PART ONE