Jan Kozak Collection: Historical Earthquakes

Thumbnail Image Image-KZ284 Polla, Italy after the 1857 earthquake. (Lithograph, London, 1862) (Polla, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ285 Town is seen from a distance, no damage visible. Landslide in foreground. (Castelluccio, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ286 Earthquake damage apparent, especially to houses in the foreground. (Padula, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ287 Severe damage to the Church of Pertosa (left) and Cathedral of Marsico Nuovo (right). (Pertosa, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ288 Severe damage to the Cathedral of Paterno (left) and town of Auletta (right) (Paterno and Auletta Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ289 On left, Church of Santa Domenico at Montemurro ruined. Church at Picerno on right damaged. (Montemurro and Picerno, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ290 Ruined houses in Polla. (Polla, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ291 Left: Strada Rorco in Polla. Right: Cathedral of Tito. (Polla and Tito, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ292 Sketch of damaged building. (Auletta, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ293 Structural damage to brick houses. (Auletta, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ294 Numerous cracks in Villa Carusso. (Auletta, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ295 The Porte Cochere on the military road, Villa Carusso, near Auletta. Heavy damage to the columns, numerous cracks. (Auletta, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ296 Pertosa on left, half ruined. On right: the Tenementa della Madonna Campostina with detailed cracks. (Pertosa, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ297 Ruined building in Pertosa. (Pertosa, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ298 Interior court of the Palazzo Palmieri heavily damaged. (Polla, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ299 Left shows fissures on the road near Polla. Town of Polla on the right. (Polla, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ300 Left: Damage to Monastery of St. Claire. Right: Church of the Madonna di Loretto. (Polla, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ301 Houses on the riverbank in Polla. (Polla, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ302 Diagram of Palazzo Palmieri showing damage to roof corners, cracks and fissures. (Polla, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ303 Left: interior court of Palazzo Palmieri. Right: interior façade. (Polla, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ304 Two views of structural damage in Atena. (Atena, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ305 Damage to the gate at Padula (Padula, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ306 Diagram of the Campanile court of the Cistercian Monastery showing damage. (Padula, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ307 Plan of the Cistercian Monastery at Padula showing damage. (Padula, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ308 Churches in the two towns in ruins. (Sarconi and Saponara, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ309 Town of Saponara with Castello Cilliberti at the highest point. All structures seriously damaged or ruined. (Saponara, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ310 A mound of rubble where Saponara had been. (Saponara, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ311 Montemurro in ruins (Montemurro, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ312 Town is too distant to clearly see damage. (Montemurro, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ313 Left: Montemurro: Palace of Don A. Fino. Poles used to brace corner. Right: Barielle: part of a heavy stone wall. (Montemurro, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ314 Left: Fireplace at the Palazzo Palmieri in Polla. Right: Town square of Montemurro. (Polla and Montemurro, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ315 Interior of the gallery of the Grand Court. Numerous cracks in corridor ceiling. (Padula, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ316 Sketch of landslides in the plane of Agri River, caused by earthquake. (Viggiano, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ317 Left: Town of Brienza on left, seriously damaged. Right: Palazzo Romani in Padula: cracks in walls, fallen column. (Brienza and Padula, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ318 Plan of Cathedral at Potenza, mapping the crack pattern. (Potenza, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ319 Left: Lombardic church at Atella (left) Right: ground fissures at Bella. (Atella and Bella, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ320 On left, massive landslides near waterfall on Monte Vulture. On right, damage to a building in Monticchio. (Newspaper illustration, 1858) (Monticchio, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ321 Damaged and destroyed buildings in Italy. (Newspaper illustration, France, 1858) (Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ322 Four views of damage to Pertosa and Polla. (Newspaper illustration, France, 1858) (Pertosa and Polla, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ323 Imaginary representation of usual ground effects: cracks in earth, slipping blocks of soil, broken trees, damaged buildings. (Newspaper illustration, France, 1858)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ324 Cathedral at Paterno in ruins. (Wood engraving after Mallet, Germany, 1893) (Paterno, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ325 Damaged and ruined buildings in Viguela, Tito, and St. Francis Italy.(Newspaper illustration, New York?, 1858) (Towns in Italy.)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ326 Damaged and ruined buildings in Auletta, Atena, Potenza and Padula, Italy. (Newspaper illustrations, New York?, 1858) (Towns in Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ327 Cathedral at Paterno in ruins. (Wood engraving after Mallet, New York, 1886?) (Paterno, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ328 Upper view shows Cathedral of Tito, seriously damaged. Lower view is north end of the gorge at Bella, large crevasse in the earth. (Wood engraving, London, 19th c?) (Tito and Bella, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ329 Ruined house in Pola (wood engraving, London, 19th c.?) (Pola, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ330 Earthquake effects at Potenza with damage to buildings. (Newspaper illustrations) (Potenza, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ331 Geophysical damage near Pola. (Newspaper illustration) (Pola, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ332 Two views of destruction in Pola. (Newspaper illustration, 1858) (Pola, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ333 Left: ruins at the entrance to Auletta. Center: exterior of the cathedral. Right: eastern portion of Viguella. (Newspaper illustrations, London, 1858) (Auletta and Viguella, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ334 Left: ruins of Potenza. Middle: Monastery of St. Francis. Right: Cemetery of Auletta. (Newspaper illustrations) (Potenza and Auletta, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ335 Left: ruins of Tito. Middle: ruins of street in Padula, Right: fallen houses at Atena. (Newspaper illustrations) (Tito, Padula and Atena, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ596 Left: east portions of Viguella. Middle: Ruins of Tito. Right: Monastery of St. Francis. (Basilicata, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ597 Auletta, Potenza, and Padula were heavily damaged. (Basilicata region, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ718 View of ruined buildings near Polla. (Newspaper illustration, London, 1858). (Basilicata, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ748 Areas in which the earthquake were felt are indicated on the map. (South and Central, Italy)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ749 Isoseismal map of central Italy. (Central Italy)