Jan Kozak Collection: Historical Earthquakes

Thumbnail Image Image-KZ261 Map showing the region of earthquake damage. (Chile, 1876?) (Bahia de Arauco, Chile)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ262 "Seaquake" (eruption) and tsunami caused by earthquake. (Lith., Chile and Manchester, 1835) (Bahia Cumberland, Chile)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ263 View of the eruption from El Pangal, Chile (Lithograph, ca. 1835) (El Pangal, Chile)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ888 "Our unstable earth: the science of the Chilean earthquake." Upper images show location of the earthquakes in Chile and a comparison with the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. SEE KZ889 for larger view. Lower illustration is "Prof. Milne's earthquake map of the World." SEE KZ887 for detail of map. (Valparaiso, Chile)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ889 "Our unstable earth: the science of the Chilean earthquake." Locations and analyses of the earthquakes in Chile and a comparison with the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake. SEE ALSO KZ888. (Valparaiso, Chile)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ897 Seismograph for Valparaiso earthquake. (Valparaiso, Chile)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ919 "Les ruines de Valparaiso: Aspect de la plaza de la Victoria et du théâtre du même nom après les dernières secousses. Nous avons dèjà publié, la semaine dernière, une première photographie montront la façade du théâtre de la Victoria. On remarquera qu'entre les deux photographie, à la suite de nouvelles secousses, l' écroulement du théâtre est devenu plus complet encore." (Valparaiso, Chile)
Thumbnail Image Image-KZ921 The city of Arequipa before the earthquake. (Arequipa, Peru)