Illustration for a folk song: 'Zalostiva pisen o hroznem zemetreseni v kralowstwi uherskem w meste Komarna, w Rabu a jinych mestech az kustrnuti, z pisne se lepeg wyrozumi (lament about a terrible earthquake in the town of Komarno in the Hungarian Kingdom, in Rab and other towns ...) (Czech woodcut, 1763) (Komarno (present day Slovakia))
Komarno seen over the Vah River. Some damage to buildings, does not appear structural. The tower of the Jesuit church and college is severely damaged. (Oil painting, Komarno, 1763-1773) (Komarno, Slovakia)
Religious painting shows damage to Komarno. (Painting, Austria, 1766). (Komarno, Slovakia)
Detail of KZ156A shows damage (severe cracking) to Jesuit Church (right) and Jesuit College (left) (Oil painting, 1766.) Original painting in the Franciscan church at Frauenkirchen-Burgenland, Austria. (Komarno, Slovakia)
Top is map of Komarno before the earthquake. Lower drawing shows damage to town: broken church steeples, damaged roofs and chimneys, damage to citadel (right). Also cracks in the earth along the left bank of the Vah river. (Drawing, Hungary, 1763 by Joseph Kastner, engineer of Count Theodor Bathiany.)