The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

UCB/SEMM-1996/01 Cyclic Testing of Three Full-Scale Steel Beam-Column Connections, Blondet, J. Marcial; Stepanov, Lev; Popov, Egor P.

UCB/SEMM-1996/02 A Systematic Construction of B-Bar Functions for Linear and Non-Linear Mixed-Enhanced Finite Elements, Piltner, Reinhard; Taylor, Robert L.

UCB/SEMM-1996/03 A Modal Analysis of Finite Deformation Enhanced Strain Finite Elements, Armero, Francisco

UCB/SEMM-1996/04 Probabilistic Characterization and Response Prediction of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, Mirfendereski, Dariush; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Ferrari, Mauro; Johnson, George C.

UCB/SEMM-1996/06 EACD-3D-96: a computer program for three-dimensional earthquake analysis of concrete dams, Tan, Hanchen; Chopra, Anil K.

UCB/SEMM-1996/08 A Theory of Finite Viscoelasticity and Numerical Aspects, Reese, Stefanie; Govindjee, Sanjay

UCB/SEMM-1996/09 An Evaluation of Strain Amplification Concepts via Monte-Carlo Simulations of an Ideal Composite, Govindjee, Sanjay

UCB/SEMM-1996/10 Formulation and Analysis of Conserving Algorithms for Dynamic Contact/Impact Problems, Armero, Francisco; Petocz, Eva

UCB/SEMM-1996/11 The Causal Hysteretic Element, Makris, Nicos