The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

UCB/SEMM-1995/01 Computational Methods for Inverse Finite Elastostatics, Govindjee, Sanjay; Mihalic, Paul A.

UCB/SEMM-1995/02 Mechanisms of Alkali-Aggregate Reaction, Prezzi, Monica; Fontoura, Jose Thomas F.; Bittencourt, Rubens M.; Monteiro, Paulo J. M.

UCB/SEMM-1995/03 Advances in Doublet Mechanics: I. Multi-Scale Elastic Plane Wave Propagation, Granik, Vladimir T.; Ferrari, Mauro

UCB/SEMM-1995/04 Advances in Doublet Mechanics: 2. Free Boundary Reflection of P- and S-Waves in Granular Media, Zhang, Miqin; Ferrari, Mauro

UCB/SEMM-1995/05 Advances in Doublet Mechanics: 3. Uniqueness and Solution Methods in Plane Elastostatics, Nadeau, Joseph C.; Nashat, Amir H.; Ferrari, Mauro

UCB/SEMM-1995/06 Advances in Doublet Mechanics: 4. Doublet Thermomechanics, Mon, Kevin G.; Ferrari, Mauro

UCB/SEMM-1995/07 Finite Element Implementation of Incompressible, Transversely Isotropic Hyperelasticity, Weiss, Jeffrey A.; Maker, Bradley N.; Govindjee, Sanjay

UCB/SEMM-1995/08 Thermal Expansion of Heterogeneous Materials With Application to Low Temperature Environments, Nadeau, Joseph C.; Ferrari, Mauro

UCB/SEMM-1995/09 An Analysis of Strong Discontinuities in Multiplicative Finite Strain Plasticity and Their Relation with the Numerical Simulation of Strain Localization in Solids, Armero, Francisco; Garikipati, Krishna

UCB/SEMM-1995/10 Accuracy and Stability for Integration of Jaumann Stress Rate Equations in Spinning Bodies, Govindjee, Sanjay

UCB/SEMM-1995/11 Durability, Tomography, and Repair of Reinforced Concrete, Monteiro, Paulo J. M.; Prezzi, Monica; Wang, Kejin; Ghio, Virgilio A.

UCB/SEMM-1995/12 Ambient Vibration Study of Berkeley Civic Center, Gilani, Amir S.; Chavez, Juan W.; Blondet, J. Marcial

UCB/SEMM-1995/13 Recent Developments in the Formulation of Assumed Enhanced Strain Finite Elements for Finite Deformation Problems, Glaser, Steven D.; Armero, Francisco