The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Your search: lisbon
Displaying 31-60 of 133 records.

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ124
Title: Lisbon, 1755
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ128
Title: Lisbon, 1755
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ130
Title: Lisbon, 1755
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ132
Title: Lisbon, 1755
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ133
Title: Lisbon before the earthquake
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ150
Title: Lisbon, 1755: Rescue
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ694
Title: Lisbon, 1755
Creator(s): unknown

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ72
Title: Lisbon, 1755
Creator(s): Roth, Johann Michael

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ765
Title: Map and view of Lisbon before the earthquake
Creator(s): Le Rouge, Georges-Louis

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ766
Title: Map and view of Lisbon before the earthquake
Creator(s): Le Rouge, Georges-Louis

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ127
Title: Lisbon, Portugal
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ917
Title: Preaching to the survivors
Creator(s): unknown  Date: unknown

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ82A
Title: Lisbon, 1755
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ93
Title: Lisbon, Praca de Patriarcal
Creator(s): unknown

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ103
Title: Lisbon, 1755
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ104
Title: Lisbon, Saint Paul's
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ109
Title: Lisbon, 1755
Creator(s): Burghry, G. M.

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ125
Title: Lisbon, Carmelite church

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ134
Title: Lisbon rebuilt
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ138
Title: Lisbon: Royal Palace Square
Creator(s): Mardel, Carlos

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ146
Title: Lisbon quake affects Netherlands
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ149
Title: Lisbon, 1755
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ75
Title: Lisbon, Ribeira Palace
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ689
Title: Map of areas affected by the Lisbon earthquake
Creator(s): unknown

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ692
Title: Lisbon, 1755
Creator(s): unknown

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ914
Title: Ruinas da egreja de Santo Antão
Creator(s): unknown  Date: unknown

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Image-KZ915
Title: Ruinas da egreja de Santo Antão
Creator(s): unknown  Date: unknown

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Text-S39399
Title: 1755 O terremoto de Lisboa = the Lisbon earthquake
Creator(s): Fonseca, Joao D.  Date: 2004

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Text-S40679
Title: Wrath of God : the great Lisbon earthquake of 1755
Creator(s): Paice, Edward  Date: 2008

Thumbnail imageIdentifier: Text-S40727
Title: v. 7 The 1755 Lisbon earthquake : revisited
Creator(s): Mendes, Victor L.  Date: 2009