PEER-2010/01 Structural response and cost characterization of bridge construction using seismic performance enhancement strategies, Aviram, Ady; Stojadinovic, Bozidar; Parra-Montesinos, Gustavo J.; Mackie, Kevin R.
PEER-2010/02 Stochastic modeling and simulation of ground motions for performance-based earthquake engineering, Rezaeian, S.; Der Kiureghian, Armen
PEER-2010/03 Shear wave velocity as a statistical function of standard penetration test resistance and vertical effective stress at Caltrans Bridge Sites, Brandenberg, Scott J.; Ballana, Naresh; Shantz, Thomas J.
PEER-2010/04 Application guide for the design of flexible and rigid bus connections between substation equipment subjected to earthquakes, Dastous, Jean-Bernard; Der Kiureghian, Armen
PEER-2010/05 Guidelines for performance-based seismic design of tall buildings
PEER-2010/101 Rocking response of bridges on shallow foundations, Ugalde, José A.; Kutter, Bruce L.; Jeremic, Boris
PEER-2010/102 Analysis of cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) and JMA instrumental seismic intensity (IJMA) using the PEER-NGA strong motion database, Campbell, Kenneth W.; Bozorgnia, Yousef
PEER-2010/103 Post-earthquake traffic capacity of modern bridges in California, Terzic, Vesna; Stojadinovic, Bozidar
PEER-2010/104 Simulating the inelastic seismic behavior of steel braced frames including the effects of low-cycle fatigue, Huang, Yuli; Mahin, Stephen A.
PEER-2010/105 Structural engineering reconnaissance of the April 6, 2009, Abruzzo, Italy earthquake, and lessons learned, Günay, M. Selim; Mosalam, Khalid M.
PEER-2010/106 Verification of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis computer programs, Thomas, Patricia; Wong, Ivan; Abrahamson, Norman A.
PEER-2010/107 Performance and reliability of exposed column base plate connections for steel moment-resisting frames, Aviram, Ady; Stojadinovic, Bozidar; Der Kiureghian, Armen
PEER-2010/108 Probabilistic tsunami hazard in California, Thio, Hong Kie; Somerville, Paul G.; Polet, Jascha
PEER-2010/109 Report of the seventh joint planning meeting of NEES/E-Defense Collaborative Research on Earthquake Engineering
PEER-2010/110 Seismic performance assessment and probabilistic repair cost analysis of precast concrete cladding systems for multistory buildings, Hunt, Jeffrey; Stojadinovic, Bozidar
PEER-2010/111 Modeling and acceptance criteria for seismic design and analysis of tall buildings