The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

PEER-2002/01 Nonstructural loss estimation: the UC Berkeley case study, Comerio, Mary C.; Stallmeyer, John C.; Holmes, William T.; Morris, Peter

PEER-2002/02 The Third U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced Concrete Building Structures, 16-18 August 2001, Seattle, Washington, Kabeyasawa, Toshimi; Moehle, Jack P.

PEER-2002/03 Investigation of sensitivity of building loss estimates to major uncertain variables for the Van Nuys testbed, Porter, Keith A.; Beck, James L.; Shaikhutdinov, Rustem V.

PEER-2002/04 Invited Workshop on Archiving and Web Dissemination of Geotechnical Data, 4 and 5 October 2001, Richmond, California [proceedings], Swift, Jennifer N.; Stepp, J. Carl; Roblee, Clifford J.; Turner, Loren L.; Real, Charles R.; Savage, William U.

PEER-2002/05 Guidelines, specifications, and seismic performance characterization of nonstructural building components and equipment, Filiatrault, André; Christopoulos, Constantin; Stearns, Christopher C.

PEER-2002/06 The use of benefit-cost analysis for evaluation of performance-based earthquake engineering decisions, Zerbe, Richard O.; Falit-Baiamonte, Anthony

PEER-2002/07 Seismic performance of pile-wharf connections, Roeder, Charles W.; Graff, Robert; Soderstrom, Jennifer L.; Yoo, Jung Han

PEER-2002/08 Component testing, stability analysis and characterization of buckling-restrained Unbonded Braces (trademark), Black, Cameron J.; Makris, Nicos; Aiken, Ian D.

PEER-2002/09 Documentation and analysis of field case histories of seismic compression during the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake, Stewart, Jonathan P.; Smith, Patrick M.; Whang, Daniel H.; Bray, Jonathan D.

PEER-2002/10 Centrifuge modeling of settlement and lateral spreading with comparisons to numerical analyses, Gajan, Sivapalan; Kutter, Bruce L.

PEER-2002/11 Analytical and experimental study of fiber-reinforced strip isolators, Kelly, James M.; Takhirov, Shakhzod

PEER-2002/12 Effects of fault dip and slip rake on near-source ground motions: why Chi-Chi was a relatively mild M 7.6 earthquake, Aagaard, Brad T.; Hall, John F.; Heaton, Thomas H.

PEER-2002/13 Probabilistic models and fragility estimates for bridge components and systems, Gardoni, Paolo; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Mosalam, Khalid M.

PEER-2002/14 Inelastic seismic response of extended pile shaft supported bridge structures, Hutchinson, Tara C.; Boulanger, Ross W.; Chai, Yuk Hon; Idriss, I. M.

PEER-2002/15 Seismic behavior of bridge columns subjected to various loading patterns, Esmaeily-Ghasemabadi, Asadollah; Xiao, Yan

PEER-2002/16 Estimation of uncertainty in geotechnical properties for performance-based earthquake engineering, Jones, Allen L.; Kramer, Steven L.; Arduino, Pedro

PEER-2002/17 Structural characterization and seismic response analysis of a highway overcrossing equipped with elastomeric bearings and fluid dampers: a case study, Makris, Nicos; Zhang, Jian

PEER-2002/18 Assessment of reinforced concrete building exterior joints with substandard details, Pantelides, Chris P.; Hansen, Jon; Nadauld, Justin D.; Reaveley, Lawrence D.

PEER-2002/19 Economic-engineering integrated models for earthquakes: socioeconomic impacts, Gordon, Peter; Moore, James E.; Richardson, Harry W.

PEER-2002/20 Barriers to adoption and implementation of PBEE innovations, May, Peter J.

PEER-2002/21 The Fourth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced Concrete Building Structures, 22-24 October 2002, Toba, Japan, Kabeyasawa, Toshimi; Moehle, Jack P.

PEER-2002/22 Characterization of large velocity pulses for laboratory testing, Cox, Kenneth E.; Ashford, Scott A.

PEER-2002/23 Effects of large velocity pulses on reinforced concrete bridge columns, Orozco, Gregory L.; Ashford, Scott A.

PEER-2002/24 Performance of beam to column bridge joints subjected to a large velocity pulse, Gibson, Natalie L.; Filiatrault, André; Ashford, Scott A.