PEER-1999/01 Interaction in interconnected electrical substation equipment subjected to earthquake ground motions, Der Kiureghian, Armen; Sackman, Jerome L.; Hong, Kee-Jeung
PEER-1999/02 Capacity-demand-diagram methods for estimating seismic deformation of inelastic structures: SDF systems, Chopra, Anil K.; Goel, Rakesh K.
PEER-1999/03 Task 3: Characterization of site response general site categories, Rodriguez-Marek, Adrian; Bray, Jonathan D.; Abrahamson, Norman A.
PEER-1999/04 Adoption and enforcement of earthquake risk-reduction measures, May, Peter J.; Feeley, T. Jens; Wood, Robert; Burby, Raymond J.
PEER-1999/05 Seismic evaluation of 550 kV porcelain transformer bushings, Gilani, Amir S.; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Fenves, Gregory L.; Fujisaki, Eric M.
PEER-1999/06 Rocking response and overturning of anchored equipment under seismic excitations, Makris, Nicos; Zhang, Jian
PEER-1999/07 Documentation of strengths and weaknesses of current computer analysis methods for seismic performance of reinforced concrete members, Cofer, William F.
PEER-1999/08 Envelopes for seismic response vectors, Menun, Charles A.; Der Kiureghian, Armen
PEER-1999/09 Performance improvement of long period building structures subjected to severe pulse-type ground motions, Anderson, James C.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Bertero, Raul D.
PEER-1999/10 U.S.-Japan Workshop on Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering Methodology for Reinforced Concrete Building Structures, 13 September 1999, Maui, Hawaii, Kabeyasawa, Toshimi; Moehle, Jack P.
PEER-1999/11 Performance evaluation database for concrete bridge components and systems under simulated seismic loads, Hose, Yael D.; Seible, Frieder
PEER-1999/12 Rehabilitation of nonductile RC frame building using encasement plates and energy-dissipating devices, Sasani, Mehrdad; Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Anderson, James C.
PEER-1999/13 Building vulnerability studies: modeling and evaluation of tilt-up and steel reinforced concrete buildings, Wallace, John W.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; Whittaker, Andrew S.
PEER-1999/14 Seismic evaluation and retrofit of 230-kV porcelain transformer bushings, Gilani, Amir S.; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Fenves, Gregory L.; Fujisaki, Eric M.