The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-201204171
Title: Some considerations based on observations of disaster-stricken areas in Miyagi, Iwate and Aomori prefectures after the great earthquake and the Island of Okushiri
Creator(s): Shingu, Kiyoshi

Icon Identifier: Text-2012041712
Title: Some features of water pressure change during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
Creator(s): Matsumoto, Hiroyuki; Inoue, Shusaku; Ohmachi, Tatsuo

Icon Identifier: Text-2012041713
Title: Correlation analysis of a reinforced-concrete building under tsunami loads and effect of masonry infill walls in tsunami resistance
Creator(s): Ruangrassamee, Anat; Foytong, Piyawat

Icon Identifier: Text-201204172
Title: Lessons and views on hardware countermeasures with earth banks against tsunami estimated in 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Tokida, Ken-ichi; Tanimoto, Ryusuke

Icon Identifier: Text-201204173
Title: Building damage by the 2011 Tohoku Japan earthquake and coping activities by NILIM and BRI collaborated with the administration
Creator(s): Nishiyama, Isao; Okawa, Izuru; Fukuyama, Hiroshi; Okuda, Yasuo

Icon Identifier: Text-201204174
Title: The 2011 off-the-Pacific coast of Tohoku-oki earthquake and tsunami : influence of the source characteristics on the maximum tsunami heights
Creator(s): Ulutas, Ergin

Icon Identifier: Text-201204175
Title: Tsunami inversion analysis of the Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Takao, Makoto; Tani, Tomoyuki; Kaneto, Toshimichi; Yanagisawa, Ken; Annaka, Tadashi

Icon Identifier: Text-201204176
Title: Rapid source parameters estimation of great earthquakes for tsunami warning
Creator(s): Katsumata, Akio; Aoki, Shigeki; Yoshida, Yasuhiro; Ueno, Hiroshi; Yokota, Takashi

Icon Identifier: Text-201204177
Title: Application of seamless simulation of seismic response analysis and high resolution tsunami simulation to coastal area of Sendai
Creator(s): Fujita, Kohei; Ichimura, Tsuyoshi; Hori, Muneo; Wijerathne, Lalith; Tanaka, Seizo

Icon Identifier: Text-201204178
Title: Tsunami load evaluation based on damage observation after the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Asai, Tatsuya

Icon Identifier: Text-201204179
Title: Analysis of ship evacuation in tsunami using AIS data
Creator(s): Shiotani, Shigeaki; Makino, Hidenari

Icon Identifier: Text-2012041810
Title: Tsunami impact on coastal structures : partitioned solution procedure for fluid-structure interaction with free-surface flow
Creator(s): Ibrahimbegovic, Adnan H.; Kassiotis, C.; Matthies, H. G.

Icon Identifier: Text-2012041811
Title: Tsunami hydrodynamic force on structure - surveys in Aceh, and experimental studies
Creator(s): Pradono, Mulyo Harris; Iemura, Hirokazu

Icon Identifier: Text-2012041812
Title: Replay of the 2011 Mw 9.0 Great East Japan earthquake in simulated real-time mode with integrated 1 Hz GPS and 100 Hz accelerometer data for rapid source characterization, earthquake response spectra and tsunami prediction
Creator(s): Bock, Yehuda; Melgar, Diego; Crowell, Brendan W.; Sanchez, Dominga; Restrepo, Jose I.

Icon Identifier: Text-2012041813
Title: Real time detection of the source area of an intense tsunami-case study of the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake
Creator(s): Hayashi, Yutaka; Tsushima, Hiroaki; Yoshida, Yasuhiro

Icon Identifier: Text-2012041814
Title: Tsunami damage in ports by the 2011 off-Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake
Creator(s): Tomita, Takashi; Yoem, Gyeong-Seon

Icon Identifier: Text-2012041815
Title: Tsunami simulation for the 2011 Great Tohoku earthquake using seismic inversion source model and fully nonlinear tsunami model
Creator(s): Petukhin, Anatoly; Yoshida, Kunikazu; Miyakoshi, Ken; Irikura, Kojiro

Icon Identifier: Text-2012041816
Title: Geo-hazards during earthquakes and mitigation measures - lessons and recommendations from the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake

Icon Identifier: Text-2012041817
Title: Returning to origin of architecture - restoration and renovation of our living environment in repsonse to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake disaster

Icon Identifier: Text-2012041818
Title: Activities and products after 3 - 11 : efforts of Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Creator(s): Ieda, Hitoshi

Icon Identifier: Text-2012041819
Title: Appeal by the Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering

Icon Identifier: Text-201204185
Title: A New tsunami intensity scale proposed after the tsunami of 11 March 2011, Japan
Creator(s): Lekkas, Efthymis; Andreadakis, Emmanuel; Kostaki, Irene; Kapourani, Eleni

Icon Identifier: Text-201204186
Title: Tohoku tsunami survey, modeling and probabilistic load estimation applications
Creator(s): Yim, Solomon C.; Cheung, Kwok Fai; Olsen, Michael J.; Yamazaki, Yoshiki

Icon Identifier: Text-201204191
Title: Large-scale simulation of seismic wave propagation of the 2011 Tohoku-oki M9 earthquake
Creator(s): Okamoto, Taro; Takenaka, Hiroshi; Nakamura, Takeshi; Aoki ,Takayuki

Icon Identifier: Text-201204192
Title: Estimation of a deep shear wave velocity structure of Chiba City based on arrays of accelerometers
Creator(s): Nakai, Shoichi; Sekiguchi, Toru; Ishino, Hiroki

Icon Identifier: Text-201204193
Title: Strong motion records of the Great East Japan earthquake observed at Fukushina Dai-ichi nuclear power plant and Fukushima Dai-ni nuclear power plant
Creator(s): Mizutani, Hiroyuki; Nishimura, Isao; Hijikata , Katsuichiro

Icon Identifier: Text-201204194
Title: Application of the H/v spectral ratios for earthquake ground motions and microtremors at K-Net sites in Tohoku region, Japan to delineate soil nonlinearity during the 2011 off-the-Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake
Creator(s): Nagashima, Fumiaki

Icon Identifier: Text-201204196
Title: Inversion of equivalent linear soil parameters during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Japan
Creator(s): De Martin, Florent; Kawase, Hiroshi; Bonilla , Fabian

Icon Identifier: Text-201204197
Title: Preliminary study of ground motion characteristics in Furukawa district, Japan, based on very dense seismic array observation
Creator(s): Goto, Hiroyuki

Icon Identifier: Text-201204198
Title: Strong motion estimation at the elevated bridges of the Tohoku Shinkansen damaged by the 2011 off-the-pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake based on extended site effects substitution method
Creator(s): Hata, Yoshiya; Nozu, Atsushi; Nakamura, Susumu; Takahashi, Yoshikazu; Goto, Hiroyuki