Identifier: Text-13WC000282
Title: Performance of industrial facilities during the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey earthquake
Creator(s): Sezen, Halil; Whittaker, Andrew S.
Identifier: Text-13WC000803
Title: The ground failure component of earthquake loss estimations: a case study of Adapazari, Turkey
Creator(s): Bird, Juliet F.; Sancio, Rodolfo B.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Bommer, J. J.
Identifier: Text-13WC000935
Title: Performance of buildings over liquefiable ground in Adapazari, Turkey
Creator(s): Sancio, Rodolfo B.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Durgunoglu, H. Turan; Önalp, Akin
Identifier: Text-2005101913
Title: Initial Geotechnical Observations of the August 17, 1999, Izmit Earthquake
Creator(s): Ansal, Atilla; Bardet, Jean-Pierre; Bray, Jonathan D.
Identifier: Text-2005121418
Title: Analysis of Earthquake Motions Recorded During the Kocaeli Earthquake, Turkey 1999
Creator(s): Teymur, B.; Madabhushi, S. P. Gopal; Newland, D. E.
Identifier: Text-200906021
Title: Damage to water and sewage pipelines in Adapazari during the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey earthquake
Creator(s): Ansal, Atilla; Kurtulus, Asli; Tönük, Gökçe
Identifier: Text-200912092
Title: Structural and geotechnical impacts of surface rupture on highway structures
Creator(s): Pamuk, A.; Kalkan, E.; Ling, H. I.
Identifier: Text-2010022313
Title: Assessment of lateral spreading: modeling a case from the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey earthquake
Creator(s): Aochi, H.; Durukal, Eser; Bonilla, L. F.
Identifier: Text-201106287
Title: Shear wave velocity profiling and liquefaction assessment of sites shaken by the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey earthquake
Creator(s): Bay, James A.; Cox, Brady R.
Identifier: Text-201109082
Title: Ground failure and building performance in Adapazari, Turkey
Creator(s): Sancio, Rodolfo B.
Identifier: Text-201302139
Title: Malpractices in concrete applications and disadvantages of using sea sand as concrete aggregate in reinforced concrete structures in earthquake-prone areas in Turkey
Creator(s): Cagatay, Ismail H.; Haktanir, Tefaruk
Identifier: Text-201504171
Title: Seismic microzonation for municipalities : pilot studies : Adapazari, Golcuk, Ihsaniye and Degirmendere, February 2004
Identifier: Text-201504172
Title: Seismic microzonation for municipalities : manual, February 2004
Identifier: Text-201504173
Title: Seismic microzonation for municipalities : state-of-the-art report, February 2004
Identifier: Text-201504174
Title: Seismic microzonation for municipalities : executive summary
Identifier: Text-2015110613
Title: August 17, 1999, Kocaeli, Turkey earthquake field investigation report
Creator(s): Anderson, Robert L.; Savage, William U.; Erdogan, Fakir H.
Identifier: Image-B2901
Title: Failure is due to offset across fault
Identifier: Image-B2902
Title: Offset railroad tracks
Identifier: Image-B2903
Title: Offset railroad tracks
Identifier: Image-B2904
Title: Offset railroad tracks
Identifier: Image-B2905
Title: Offset railroad tracks
Identifier: Image-B2906
Title: Offset railroad tracks
Identifier: Image-B2907
Title: Offset railroad tracks
Identifier: Image-B2908
Title: Offset railroad tracks
Identifier: Image-B2909
Title: Offset railroad tracks
Identifier: Image-B2910
Title: Damage to rails and ties
Identifier: Image-B2911
Title: Damage to rails and ties
Identifier: Image-B2912
Title: Offset railroad tracks
Identifier: Image-B2913
Title: Offset railroad tracks
Identifier: Image-B2914
Title: Offset railroad tracks