Identifier: Text-200802262
Title: A compilation of accounts describing the Mississippi Valley Earthquakes of 1811-1812: Part 1
Creator(s): Street, Ronald L.
Identifier: MovingImage-201102284
Title: Rumblings of Imminence, the New Madrid Seismic Zone
Creator(s): Schurter, Nathaniel
Identifier: Text-201104286
Title: The New Madrid seismic zone - a field trip for the 1993 National Earthquake Conference Memphis, Tennessee May 1-2, 1993
Creator(s): Schweig, Eugene S.; VanArsdale, Roy B.
Identifier: Text-201107182
Title: New Madrid seismic zone: overview of earthquake hazard and magnitude assessment based on fragility of historic structures
Identifier: Text-201110121
Title: Putting down roots in earthquake country, your handbook for earthquakes in the Central United States
Creator(s): Dart, R. L.
Identifier: Image-KZ600
Title: New Madrid, Missouri
Creator(s): unknown
Identifier: Image-KZ601
Title: The Mississippi near New Madrid
Creator(s): Jungling, J. F.
Identifier: Image-KZ602
Title: The Missouri River
Creator(s): unknown
Identifier: Image-KZ603
Title: 'Steamer naviguant sur le Missouri'
Creator(s): unknown
Identifier: Image-KZ604
Title: Steamboat navigating the Missouri
Identifier: Image-KZ605
Title: Clearing the Missouri River
Identifier: Image-KZ606
Title: Clearing the river
Identifier: Image-KZ950
Title: Map of the New World
Identifier: Text-S20857
Title: Seismic hazard along a crude oil pipeline in the event of an 1811-1812 type New Madrid earthquake
Creator(s): Hwang, H. H.; Chen, C. H.
Identifier: Text-S27858
Title: Investigations of the New Madrid, Missouri, earthquake region
Creator(s): McKeown, Francis A.; Pakiser, L. C.
Identifier: Text-S31546
Title: Field trip guide to representative earthquake features in the New Madrid seismic zone
Creator(s): Stewart, David; Knox, Ray; Dillman, Linda
Identifier: Text-S31557
Title: The New Madrid earthquakes
Creator(s): Penick, James L.