The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-2013031314
Title: In situ nonlinear shear stress vs strain characteristics for shallow layers of soil: I-10/La Cienega Blvd. Undercrossing, Los Angeles, California
Creator(s): Henke, Wanda K.; Henke, Robert

Icon Identifier: Text-2013031315
Title: Liquefaction susceptibility of Simi Valley, California
Creator(s): Hitchcock, Christopher S.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013031316
Title: Identification of the dynamic properties of the OII landfill
Creator(s): Hushmand, Behnam; Morochnik, V.; Bardet, Jean-Pierre

Icon Identifier: Text-201303133
Title: Research overview on strong ground motion : the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303135
Title: Research overview : ground failures and geotechnical aspects
Creator(s): Martin, Geoffrey R.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303136
Title: Implementation of the lessons of the Northridge earthquake: seismology and strong ground motion
Creator(s): Joyner, William B.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303137
Title: Overview of the implementation of the Northridge earthquake ground motion and ground failure research results in mitigation of future earthquake losses
Creator(s): Davis, James F.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303138
Title: The importance of aging on the liquefaction resistance of sand deposits
Creator(s): Arango, Ignacio; Kramer, Christopher

Icon Identifier: Text-201303139
Title: Performance of solid-waste landfills during the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Augello, Anthony J.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Matasovic, Neven; Kavazanjian, Edward

Icon Identifier: Text-201303141
Title: Research on landslides triggered by the Northridge earthquake: documentation of effects and analytical modeling to create seismic landslide hazard maps
Creator(s): Jibson, Randall W.; Harp, Edwin L.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303142
Title: Ground response and building damage correlations at basin fringe sites in the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Rollins, Kyle M.; Elison, E.; Barfuss, D.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303143
Title: Correlation of damage concentration with local soil conditions in the Ballona Gap region during the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Rollins, Kyle M.; Jacob, Clinton L.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303145
Title: Development of abutment fill settlement model from 1994 Northridge earthquake data
Creator(s): Siddharthan, Rajaratnam; El-Gamal, Mahamoud

Icon Identifier: Text-201303146
Title: Structural fill performance during the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Stewart, Jonathan P.; Bray, Jonathan D.; McMahon, David J.; Kropp, Alan L.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013031510
Title: Identification of landfill seismic response
Creator(s): Elgamal, Ahmed-Waeil M.; Zeghal, Mourad; Gunturi, R.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013031512
Title: Southern California permanent GPS geodetic array: continuous measurements of crustal deformation in the Los Angeles basin between the 1992 Landers and 1994 Northridge earthquakes
Creator(s): Bock, Yehuda

Icon Identifier: Text-201303156
Title: Probable soft clay failure in overbank or sheetflood alluvial deposits implicated as cause of ground failure triggered by 1-17-94 Northridge earthquake near Tampa Avenue and Malden Street, Northridge, California
Creator(s): Tinsley, John C.; Holzer, Thomas L.; Bennett, Michael J.; Ponti, Daniel J.; Sharp, Robert V.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303158
Title: Integration of 3-D geotechnical database of Los Angeles and 1-D nonlinear site response model into a GIS for seismic microzonation
Creator(s): Doroudian, Macan; Vucetic, Mladen

Icon Identifier: Text-2013032010
Title: Permanent ground deformation associated with the 17 January 1994 Northridge, California earthquake; and geomorphic indicators of potential future zones of deformation
Creator(s): Johnson, Jeffrey A.; Shlemon, Roy J.; Slosson, James E.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013032011
Title: Reliability of 2D kinematic fold models to infer deep fault structure in the western Transverse Ranges, California
Creator(s): Nicholson, Craig; Kamerling, Marc J.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013032012
Title: Source mechanism of the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake from intermediate-period surface waves
Creator(s): Zhang, Jiajun; Kuge, Keiko; Lay, Thorne; Tsuboi, Seiji

Icon Identifier: Text-201303202
Title: Comparison of S-wave, coda, and H/V site response methods using Northridge aftershock data
Creator(s): Bonilla, Luis F.; Steidl, Jamison H.; Lindey, G. T.; Tumarkin, R. J.; Archuleta, Ralph J.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303203
Title: Seismic reflection views of the 1994 Northridge earthquake hypocentral region using aftershock data and imaging techniques
Creator(s): Chavez-Perez, Sergio; Louie, John N.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303204
Title: An integrated study of the Northridge mainshock and large aftershocks
Creator(s): Dreger, Douglas S.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303205
Title: Investigating spatial variations in the state of stress from ten weeks of aftershocks of the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Gephart, John W.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303206
Title: Digital fault map and database for Southern California, Phase I: Faults of the Long Beach 60' x 30' quadrangle
Creator(s): Hecker, Suzanne; Kendrick, Katherine J.; Ponti, Daniel J.; Hamilton, John C.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303207
Title: The Southern California Earthquake Center's response to the 1994 Northridge earthquake: a summary
Creator(s): Henyey, Thomas L.; Jackson, David D.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303208
Title: Late Quaternary tectonic deformation in the northern San Fernando Valley, California
Creator(s): Hitchcock, Christopher S.; Kelson, Keith I.

Icon Identifier: Text-201303209
Title: Evidence that much of localized ground deformation during the Northridge earthquake in San Fernando Valley, California, was due to slip on coactive, reverse, blind faults
Creator(s): Johnson, Arvid M.; Fleming, Robert W.; Cruikshank, Kenneth M.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013032810
Title: Significant nonlinear sediment amplification observed during the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Field, Edward H.; Johnson, P. A.; Beresnev, Igor A.