The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-Lib050173
Title: State of practice for liquefaction mitigation in North America
Creator(s): Hayden, Robert F.; Baez, Juan I.

Icon Identifier: Text-Lib050178
Title: Influence of modeling parameters and assumptions on the seismic response of an existing RC building
Creator(s): Barin, Bugra

Icon Identifier: Text-Lib050179
Title: Improved shaking and damage parameters for post-earthquake applications
Creator(s): Bozorgnia, Yousef; Bertero, Vitelmo V.

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050180
Title: Performance of seismically isolated structures in the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Clark, Peter W.; Higashino, Masahiko; Kelly, James M.

Icon Identifier: Text-Lib050181
Title: Rapid estimation of ground shaking for emergency response
Creator(s): Dreger, Douglas S.; Kaverina, Anastasia

Icon Identifier: Text-Lib050187
Title: Evaluation of numerical procedures for simulating near-fault long-period ground motions using Silva method
Creator(s): Silva, Walter J.; Gregor, Nicholas J.; Darragh, Robert B.

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050195
Title: Correlation of observed building performance with measured ground motion
Creator(s): King, Stephanie A.; Kiremidjian, Anne S.; Sarabandi, Pooya; Pachakis, Dimitrios

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050222
Title: Earthquake design and performance of steel structures
Creator(s): Krawinkler, Helmut

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050242
Title: Permanent directed deformations of buildings as evidence for a directed near-field pulse in the M6.7 Northridge earthquake of January 17, 1994
Creator(s): Paret, Terrence F.; Attalla, Mourad R.; Freeman, Sigmund A.; Borchardt, Glenn A.

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050252
Title: Accumulated seismic connection damage based upon full scale low cycle fatigue connection tests
Creator(s): Richard, Ralph M.; Allen, Jay; Partridge, James E.

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050257
Title: Fracture mechanics of welded structural steel connections
Creator(s): Fisher, John W.; Dexter, Robert J.; Kaufmann, Eric J.

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050258
Title: The physical and metallurgical properties of structural steels
Creator(s): Frank, Karl H.

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050259
Title: Systems behavior of structural steel frames subjected to earthquake ground motion
Creator(s): Krawinkler, Helmut

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050260
Title: Seismic performance of bolted and riveted connections
Creator(s): Leon, Roberto T.

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050261
Title: Welding of seismically resistant steel structures
Creator(s): Miller, Duane K.

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050262
Title: Seismic steel beam-column moment connections
Creator(s): Tsai, Keh-Chyuan; Popov, Egor P.

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050263
Title: Preface [to Background Reports: Metallurgy, Fracture Mechanics, Welding, Moment Connections and Frame Systems Behavior]
Creator(s): Mahin, Stephen A.; Ross, Arthur E.

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050264
Title: Appendix A: SAC Program to Reduce the Earthquake Hazards of Steel Moment Frame Structures -- An overview

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050265
Title: Clarifying the extent of Northridge-induced weld fracturing: examining the related issues of UT reliability
Creator(s): Paret, Terrence F.

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050277
Title: Advances in lifeline earthquake engineering
Creator(s): O'Rourke, Thomas D.; Wang, Yu; Shi, Peixin

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-NM0031
Title: Los Angeles County Emergency Services Building
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-NM0033
Title: Interior of Emergency Services Building
Creator(s): Aiken, Ian D.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-NM0046
Title: USC University Hospital

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-NR0001
Title: Vertical bedrock facets

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-NR0002
Title: Closer view of vertical bedrock
Creator(s): unknown

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-NR0007
Title: Location of surface fracture
Creator(s): unknown

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-NR0008
Title: Geological model of the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): unknown

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-NR0009
Title: Toppled plants at Cedar Hill Nursery
Creator(s): .

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-NR0011
Title: Dust rising in Angeles National Forest
Creator(s): unknown

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-NR0012
Title: Satellite overview of affected region
Creator(s): unknown