Identifier: Image-201405067
Title: Close up view of the crack in the steel beam and column connection
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.
Identifier: Image-201405068
Title: Full scale steel beam column connections arriving at USC testing facility
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.
Identifier: Image-201405069
Title: Full scale steel beam column connections fitted into testing frame at USC testing facility
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.
Identifier: Image-201405082
Title: Deformation and failure of shear tab and bolts
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.
Identifier: Image-201405084
Title: Cracked column flange and panel zone in steel connection
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.
Identifier: Image-201405086
Title: Cyclic loading and hysteretic response of steel connection (Specimen 4- AAA building)
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.
Identifier: Image-201405087
Title: Cracked steel connection found in two story building in Santa Clarita, California following Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.
Identifier: Image-201405088
Title: Deformed bolted steel shear tab during laboratory testing
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.
Identifier: Text-201411063
Title: Seismic behavior of unreinforced steel beam-to-column moment connections
Creator(s): Margarian, Areg
Identifier: Text-201502051
Title: 1994 Northridge Earthquake : after-action report
Identifier: Text-201502052
Title: Subcommittee reports of the task force on evaluating damage from the Northridge Earthquake
Identifier: Text-201502184
Title: In the wake of the quake : a prepared city responds
Identifier: Text-201502234
Title: Results of cyclic and dynamic simple shear tests on soils from Tarzana and Rinaldi sites conducted for ROSRINE project and other research purposes
Creator(s): Hsu, Chu-Chung; Vucetic, Mladen
Identifier: Text-201502241
Title: Results of cyclic and dynamic simple shear tests on soils from La Cienega site conducted for ROSRINE project and other research purposes
Creator(s): Vucetic, Mladen; Hsu, Chu-Chung; Doroudian, Macan
Identifier: Text-201505143
Title: The Northridge Earthquake of 1994: ground motions and geotechnical aspects
Creator(s): Yegian, Mishac K.; Ghahraman, Vahe G.; Gazetas, George C.; Dakoulas, Panos C.; Makris, Nicos
Identifier: Text-201505145
Title: Solid waste landfill performance during the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Augello, Anthony J.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Matasovic, Neven; Kavazanjian, Edward
Identifier: Text-2015051510
Title: General report - session XIV : Northridge earthquake, January 17, 1994
Creator(s): Hempen, G. L.
Identifier: Text-201505153
Title: The Performance of hillside fills during the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): McMahon, David J.; Kropp, Alan L.; Stewart, Jonathan P.; Bray, Jonathan D.
Identifier: Text-201505154
Title: Northridge (California) earthquake: unique ground motions
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet
Identifier: Text-201505155
Title: Performance of shored earth retaining systems during the January 17, 1994, Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Lew, Marshall; Simantob, Ebrahim; Hudson, Martin B.
Identifier: Text-201505157
Title: Northridge earthquake - Van Norman complex ground movement
Creator(s): Davis, Craig A.; Bardet, J. P.
Identifier: Text-201505158
Title: Ground motions from the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Chang, Susan W.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.
Identifier: Text-201505159
Title: Performance of port facilities during the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Muraleetharan, Kanthasamy K.; Thiessen, D. A.; Jagannath, S. V.; Arulmoli, K.
Identifier: Text-201510303
Title: Miscellaneous papers re : Northridge Earthquake
Identifier: Text-201601073
Title: Emergency meeting and special hearing on the January 17 1994 Northridge earthquake
Identifier: Text-201603231
Title: Oviatt Library, east and west wings investigation of base plate damage caused by the Northridge Earthquake
Identifier: Text-201603241
Title: The Northridge, California Earthquake of January 17, 1994: performance of highway bridges
Creator(s): Buckle, Ian G.
Identifier: Text-237795
Title: Preliminary report on the seismological and engineering aspects of the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Moehle, Jack P.
Identifier: Text-239699
Title: Preliminary report on the principal geotechnical aspects of the January 17, 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Stewart, Jonathan P.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Sitar, Nicholas
Identifier: Text-239849
Title: Performance of steel building structures during the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.; Anderson, James C.; Krawinkler, Helmut