The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042314
Title: Impact of earthquake ground motion uncertainties on the structural reliability based design of an active control system to reduce the risk of weld failure
Creator(s): Wong, Kevin K.; Hart, Gary C.

Icon Identifier: Text-201304232
Title: Moment end-plate connections for seismic loading
Creator(s): Murray, Thomas M.; Meng, Ronald L.

Icon Identifier: Collection-201304233
Title: Proceedings of the NEHRP Conference and Workshop on Research on the Northridge, California Earthquake of January 17, 1994 : volume IV, social sciences and emergency management

Icon Identifier: Text-201304234
Title: Centered beam-flange-cutouts for welded steel moment connections
Creator(s): Roberts, Charles J.; Mills, Russel S.

Icon Identifier: Text-201304235
Title: SAC Steel Project: summary of phase I topical investigations
Creator(s): Malley, James O.

Icon Identifier: Text-201304236
Title: National program to reduce earthquake hazards in steel moment-resisting frame structures
Creator(s): Mahin, Stephen A.; Hamburger, Ronald O.; Malley, James O.

Icon Identifier: Text-201304237
Title: Cracking, repair and ductility enhancement of welded moment connections
Creator(s): Lu, Le-Wu; Xue, Ming; Kaufmann, Eric J.; Fisher, John W.

Icon Identifier: Text-201304238
Title: The Effect of composite floor behavior on the failure of steel moment-resisting connections
Creator(s): Leon, Roberto T.; Hajjar, Jerome F.; Shield, Carol K.; Gustafson, Michael A.

Icon Identifier: Text-201304239
Title: Dynamic tension tests of simulated moment resisting frame weld joints
Creator(s): Kaufmann, Eric J.; Fisher, John W.

Icon Identifier: Text-201304241
Title: Development of guidelines for evaluation, repair, upgrade, design and construction of moment-resisting steel frames
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.; Malley, James O.; Mahin, Stephen A.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042410
Title: Correlation of past connection connection experiments with seismic behavior
Creator(s): Roeder, Charles W.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042411
Title: Design and damage assessment of structural steel components under seismic actions
Creator(s): Castiglioni, Carlo A.; Bernuzzi, Claudio; Agatino, Maria R.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042412
Title: A European research program on the cyclic behaviour of welded beam to column conntections

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042413
Title: A Preliminary analysis of post-Northridge steel moment frame connection tests
Creator(s): Bonowitz, David

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042414
Title: Influence of vertical ground motion on special moment-resisting frames
Creator(s): Skokan, Matthew J.; Hart, Gary C.; Huang, Sampson C.; Lobo, Roy F.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042415
Title: Design of new sign support structure to replace structure failed during the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Stovner, Eric C.; Scarangello, Thomas Z.; Thornton, Charles H.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042416
Title: Passive seismic control system using steel slit damper
Creator(s): Sugiyama, Satoshi; Wada, Akira

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042417
Title: Influence of the loading rate and the floor slab on the seismic performance of RBS connections for steel moment resisting frames
Creator(s): Tremblay, Robert; Tchebotarev, Nicolai; Filiatrault, André

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042418
Title: Dynamic testing of pre-Northridge and haunch-repaired steel moment connections
Creator(s): Uang, Chia-Ming; Yu, Qi-Song; Bondad, Duane M.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042419
Title: Reducing the risk of weld failure during earthquakes using active control
Creator(s): Wong, Kevin K.; Hart, Gary C.

Icon Identifier: Text-201304242
Title: Effects of Northridge and larger earthquakes on a city of steel frame buildings
Creator(s): Hall, John F.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042420
Title: Testing of strong-axis and weak-axis moment connections with reduced beam sections and vertical rib plates
Creator(s): Zekioglu, Atila; Mozaffarian, Hossein; Uang, Chia-Ming

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042421
Title: The effects of the 1994 Northridge earthquake on storage tanks
Creator(s): Cooper, Thomas W.; Wachholz, Timothy P.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042422
Title: Characterization of observed uplift and buckling of an unanchored tank during the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Haroun, Medhat A.; Bhatia, Hussain; El-Zeiny, Ali A.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042423
Title: The SAC survey: understanding and using steel frame damage data
Creator(s): Bonowitz, David

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042424
Title: The Joseph Jensen Filtration Plant: a case history of seismic performance
Creator(s): Moriwaki, Yoshiharu; Gibson, Andrew D.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042425
Title: Response of continuous pipeline to longitudinal PGD
Creator(s): O'Rourke, Michael J.; Liu, Xuejie

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042426
Title: Implementation of a strengthened connection for low rise steel frames
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.; Strand, Donald R.; Maranian, Peter J.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042427
Title: Post earthquake testing of damaged moment connections
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.; Johnston, Roy G.; Partridge, James E.

Icon Identifier: Text-2013042428
Title: Repair - upgrade procedures for low rise steel moment frames
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.; Xiao, Yan