Identifier: Text-13366
Title: Evaluation of seismic performance of a ten-story RC building during the Whittier Narrows earthquake
Creator(s): Miranda, Eduardo; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-13367
Title: Seismic performance of an instrumented six-story steel building
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-2005121450
Title: Post-Earthquake Shelter and Housing: Research Findings and Policy Implications
Creator(s): Bolin, Robert C.
Identifier: Text-200604265
Title: Seismic evaluation and upgrading of existing buildings
Creator(s): Miranda, Eduardo
Identifier: Text-2006062727
Title: Continuous monitoring of isolated bridges: parametric analysis of the effects of damper characteristics
Creator(s): Casarotti, Chiara; Benzoni, Gianmario
Identifier: Text-200701262
Title: Analysis of drifts in a seven-story reinforced concrete structure
Creator(s): Trifunac, Mihailo D.; Ivanovic, Sanja S.
Identifier: Text-200701264
Title: Instrumented buildings of University of Southern California: strong motion data, metadata and soil-structure system frequencies
Creator(s): Hao, Tzong-Ying; Trifunac, Mihailo D.; Todorovska, Maria I.
Identifier: Text-200701301
Title: Impulse response analysis of the Van Nuys 7-story hotel during 11 earthquakes (1971-1994): one-dimensional wave propagation and inferences on global and local reduction of stiffness due to earthquake damage
Creator(s): Todorovska, Maria I.; Trifunac, Mihailo D.
Identifier: Text-200711151
Title: Investigation of the response of Cogswell Dam in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Seed, Raymond B.; Bray, Jonathan D.
Identifier: Text-200711152
Title: Investigation of the response of Puddingstone Dam in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987
Creator(s): Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-200711161
Title: Evaluation of soil-structure interaction in buildings during earthquakes
Creator(s): Fenves, Gregory L.; Serino, Giorgio
Identifier: Text-200712201
Title: Investigation of the response of Puddingstone and Cogswell dams in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987. Volume 1: Puddingstone Dam
Creator(s): Bray, Jonathan D.; Seed, Raymond B.; Boulanger, Ross W.
Identifier: Text-200801141
Title: Investigation of the response of Puddingstone and Cogswell Dams in the Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987; Volume Two - Cogswell Dam
Creator(s): Boulanger, Ross W.; Seed, Raymond B.; Bray, Jonathan D.
Identifier: Text-2008031316
Title: Earthquake hazard reduction of the Cathedral of Saint Vibiana, Los Angeles, California
Creator(s): Krakower, Michael
Identifier: Text-201009131
Title: The Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987 - A Reconnaissance Report
Creator(s): Lew, H. S.
Identifier: Text-201103081
Title: The Los Angeles - Whittier narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987: federal - state hazard mitigation survey team report
Identifier: Text-201104283
Title: A Study of near-source earthquake ground motions of three recent California earthquakes: Northridge, Whittier, and Landers
Creator(s): Leeds, David J.
Identifier: Text-201501085
Title: Post-earthquake ordinances : City of Whittier, CA 1987
Identifier: Text-201501087
Title: Redevelopment plan for the Whittier Earthquake recovery redevelopment project area
Identifier: Text-201501088
Title: State of California : hazard mitigation plan, Whittier Narrows Earthquake for the Governor's Office of Emergency Services
Identifier: Text-201511134
Title: Miscellaneous material re : Whittier Earthquake, 1987
Identifier: Text-224727
Title: Shear strength and deformability of RC bridge columns subjected to inelastic cyclic displacements
Creator(s): Aschheim, Mark A.; Moehle, Jack P.
Identifier: Text-7501
Title: Accelerograms recorded at Caltech during the Whittier Narrows earthquakes of October 1 and 4, 1987: a preliminary report
Creator(s): Levine, Marie-Bernard P.; Beck, James L.; Iwan, Wilfred D.; Jennings, Paul C.
Identifier: Text-Lib050146
Title: Recovery and reconstruction: a status report from recent U.S. earthquakes on organizational issues, land use policy, redevelopment, and urban design
Creator(s): Eadie, Charles D.; Johnson, Laurie A.
Identifier: Image-R0445
Title: Whittier, 1987
Identifier: Text-S19021
Title: Preliminary evaluation of structures : Whittier Narrows earthquake of October 1, 1987
Creator(s): Çelebi, Mehmet; Brady, A. Gerald; Krawinkler, Helmut
Identifier: Text-S20331
Title: Summary of the October 1, 1987 Whittier, California earthquake : an EQE quick look report
Identifier: Text-S20903
Title: Performance of tilt-up buildings in the October 1, 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake
Creator(s): Hamburger, Ronald O.; McCormick, David L.; Hom, Stephen
Identifier: Text-S21425
Title: Torsional effects in structures subjected to strong ground motion
Creator(s): Lu, Shi; Hall, William J.
Identifier: Text-S22164
Title: The Whittier Narrows earthquake, October 1, 1987
Creator(s): Degenkolb, Henry J.