The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-2005121450
Title: Post-Earthquake Shelter and Housing: Research Findings and Policy Implications
Creator(s): Bolin, Robert C.

Icon Identifier: Text-200605056
Title: Earthquake characteristics and damage statistics
Creator(s): Thiel, Charles C.; Zsutty, Theodore C.

Icon Identifier: Text-200805023
Title: Coalinga, California, earthquake of May 2, 1983 : reconnaissance report
Creator(s): Scholl, Roger E.; Stratta, James L.

Icon Identifier: Text-200807182
Title: Restoration and recovery following the Coalinga earthquake of May, 1983
Creator(s): French, Steven P.; Ewing, Craig A.; Isaacson, Mark S.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-GoddenJ19
Title: 2-story building, Coalinga
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-GoddenJ20
Title: 1-Story building, Coalinga
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-GoddenJ23
Title: Collapse of wooden porch, Coalinga
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-GoddenJ29
Title: Unreinforced brick building, Coalinga
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-GoddenJ30
Title: Masonry parapet, Coalinga
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-GoddenJ52
Title: Chimney collapse, Coalinga
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-GoddenJ81
Title: Industrial building, Coalinga
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-GoddenJ82
Title: Industrial building, Coalinga
Creator(s): Bertero, Vitelmo V.

Icon Identifier: Text-Lib050146
Title: Recovery and reconstruction: a status report from recent U.S. earthquakes on organizational issues, land use policy, redevelopment, and urban design
Creator(s): Eadie, Charles D.; Johnson, Laurie A.

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0289
Title: Typical cripple wall or foundation failure

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0290
Title: Masonry veneer damage

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0291
Title: Typical damage to wood frame house

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0293
Title: Masonry block wall

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0294
Title: California Highway Patrol

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0296
Title: Pippin's Auto Supply, brick construction

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0297
Title: Pippin's Auto Supply, brick construction

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0300
Title: View down 5th Street, southeast

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0301
Title: Parapet damage

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0302
Title: no information

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0304
Title: View down 5th Street

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0305
Title: View down 5th Street

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0308
Title: Disaster relief

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0309
Title: Mobile home failure

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0310
Title: Mobile home fell off supports

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0311
Title: Mobile home fell off supports

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-R0312
Title: Water tank on top of Coalinga Fire Dept.