Identifier: Text-1005082
Title: Task 3: Characterization of site response general site categories
Creator(s): Rodriguez-Marek, Adrian; Bray, Jonathan D.; Abrahamson, Norman A.
Identifier: Text-11275
Title: Observations and implications of tests on the Cypress Street Viaduct test structure
Creator(s): Bollo, Martin E.; Mahin, Stephen A.; Moehle, Jack P.; Stephen, Roy M.; Qi, Xiaoxuan
Identifier: Text-11545
Title: Extension of study on fundamental period of reinforced concrete moment-resisting frame structures
Creator(s): Bendimerad, Fouad M.; Shah, Haresh C.; Hoskins, Teresa
Identifier: Text-12073
Title: Performance of improved ground during the Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Mitchell, James Kenneth; Wentz, Frederick J.
Identifier: Text-1263154
Title: Ground motion evaluation procedures for performance-based design
Creator(s): Stewart, Jonathan P.; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Graves, Robert W.; Somerville, Paul G.; Abrahamson, Norman A.
Identifier: Text-1265065
Title: Amplification factors for spectral acceleration in active regions
Creator(s): Stewart, Jonathan P.; Liu, Andrew H.; Choi, Yoojoong; Baturay, Mehmet B.
Identifier: Text-13369
Title: Evaluation of the seismic performance of a thirty-story RC building
Creator(s): Anderson, James C.; Miranda, Eduardo; Bertero, Vitelmo V.
Identifier: Text-13WC002634
Title: Housing issues in future U.S. disasters
Creator(s): Comerio, Mary C.
Identifier: Text-15906
Title: Earthquake engineering research at Berkeley -- 1992
Identifier: Text-2005121425
Title: Response of Soft Soils During the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake and Implications for Seismic Design Criteria
Creator(s): Dickenson, Stephen E.; Seed, Raymond B.; Lysmer, John; Mok, Chin Man
Identifier: Text-2005121450
Title: Post-Earthquake Shelter and Housing: Research Findings and Policy Implications
Creator(s): Bolin, Robert C.
Identifier: Text-200601053
Title: Seismic Pile Foundation Stiffnesses at Cypress Street Viaduct
Creator(s): Norris, Gary M.; Siddharthan, Rajaratnam; Zafir, Zia; Gowda, Prakash K.
Identifier: Text-200601054
Title: Site Response in Oakland, California, Near the Failed Section of the Nimitz Freeway
Creator(s): Field, Edward H.; Hough, Susan E.; Jacob, Klaus H.; Friberg, Paul A.
Identifier: Text-200603019
Title: San Francisco Police: earthquake report October 17, 1989
Identifier: Text-2006030916
Title: Evaluation of SPT-, CPT-, and shear wave-based methods for liquefaction potential assessment using Loma Prieta data
Creator(s): Kayen, Robert E.; Mitchell, James Kenneth; Seed, Raymond B.; Lodge, Angela L.; Nishio, Shinya; Coutinho, Roberto Q.
Identifier: Text-2006030920
Title: Site response and soil liquefaction in San Francisco during the Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): O'Rourke, Thomas D.; Meyersohn, Wolfgang D.; Stewart, H. E.; Pease, Jonathan W.; Miyajima, Masakatsu
Identifier: Text-2006030921
Title: Post-liquefaction consolidation and lifeline damage in the Marina District after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Pease, Jonathan W.; O'Rourke, Thomas D.; Stewart, H. E.
Identifier: Text-2006030924
Title: Utility performance aspects, liquefaction study, Marina and Sullivan Marsh areas, San Francisco, California
Creator(s): Scawthorn, Charles R.; Porter, Keith A.; Khater, Mahmoud; Seidel, Daniel; Ballantyne, Donald B.; Taylor, Henry T.; Darragh, Robert D.; Ng, Charles W. W.
Identifier: Text-2006030925
Title: Recent lessons regarding seismic response analysis of soft and deep clay sites
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Dickenson, Stephen E.; Mok, Chin Man
Identifier: Text-2006030926
Title: Liquefaction hazard mapping, depositional faces, and lateral spreading ground failure in the Monterey Bay area, Central California, during the 10/17/89 Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Tinsley, John C.
Identifier: Text-200603097
Title: Liquefaction study, Sullivan Marsh and Mission Creek, San Francisco, California
Creator(s): Darragh, Robert D.; Taylor, Henry T.; Scawthorn, Charles R.; Seidel, Daniel; Ng, Charles W. W.
Identifier: Text-2006031010
Title: An assessment of the two-dimensional and wave propagation effects on the site response of the Marina District of San Francisco during the Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Bardet, Jean-Pierre; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-2006031020
Title: Seismic serviceability of water supply systems
Creator(s): Markov, Ivan J.; Grigoriu, Mircea D.; O'Rourke, Thomas D.
Identifier: Text-200604265
Title: Seismic evaluation and upgrading of existing buildings
Creator(s): Miranda, Eduardo
Identifier: Text-200605311
Title: Performance of masonry and masonry veneer buildings in the Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Jalil, Imran; Kelm, William; Klingner, Richard E.
Identifier: Text-200606281
Title: Seismic response of tilt-up construction
Creator(s): Carter, James W.; Hawkins, Neil M.; Wood, Sharon L.
Identifier: Text-200701101
Title: Loma Prieta earthquake, San Francisco Bay Area, October 17, 1989
Creator(s): Baker, William A.; Brown, Daniel H.; Tissell, John R.
Identifier: Text-200701183
Title: Seismic Performance Investigation of the Hayward Bart Elevated Section
Creator(s): Tseng, Wen S.; Yang, Ming-San; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-200701231
Title: Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center Highway Demonstration Project
Creator(s): Kiremidjian, Anne S.; Moore, James E.; Fan, Yueyue; Basöz, Nesrin; Yazali, Ozgur; Williams, Meredith
Identifier: Text-200703089
Title: Response of soft soil sites during earthquakes
Creator(s): Idriss, I. M.