Identifier: Text-201505075
Title: Geology of the Elysian Park-Repetto Hills area, Los Angeles County, California
Creator(s): Lamar, Donald L.
Identifier: Text-S26881
Title: Study of seismic activity by selective trenching along the Elsinore Fault zone, southern California
Creator(s): Lamar, Donald L.; Swanson, S. C.
Identifier: Text-S26883
Title: Water-level monitoring along San Andreas and San Jacinto faults, southern California, during fiscal year 1980
Creator(s): Merifield, P. M.; Lamar, Donald L.
Identifier: Text-S33388
Title: Application of private site-specific data to regional evaluation of earthquake and faulting potential in southern California
Creator(s): Lamar, Donald L.