Identifier: Text-S25934
Title: An elastic-plastic constitutive relation for transverse-isotropic three-phase earth materials
Creator(s): Baladi, George Y.
Identifier: Text-S25939
Title: Liquefaction potential of dams and foundations : report 3, development of an elastic-plastic constitutive relationship for saturated sand
Creator(s): Baladi, George Y.; Rohani, Behzad
Identifier: Text-S25941
Title: Liquefaction potential of dams and foundations: report 5, development of a constitutive relation for simulating the response of saturated cohesionless soil
Creator(s): Baladi, George Y.; Rohani, Behzad
Identifier: Text-S25991
Title: An elastic-viscoplastic constitutive model for earth materials
Creator(s): Baladi, George Y.; Rohani, Behzad