Identifier: Text-13WC002344
Title: Using NEES to investigate soil-foundation-structure interaction
Creator(s): Wood, Sharon L.; Anagnos, Thalia; Arduino, Pedro; Eberhard, Marc O.; Fenves, Gregory L.; Finholt, Thomas A.; Futrelle, Joseph M.; Grant, Steven K.; Jeremic, Boris; Kramer, Steven L.; Kutter, Bruce L.; Matamoros, Adolfo B.; McMullin, Kurt M.; Ramirez, Julio A.; Rathje, Ellen M.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Sanders, David H.; Stokoe, Kenneth H.; Wilson, Daniel W.
Identifier: Text-200906306
Title: Comparison of the Linear and Nonlinear Dynamic Properties of Gravels, Sands, Silts and Clays
Creator(s): Stokoe, Kenneth H.; Darendeli, M. B.; Menq, F. - Y.; Choi, W. - K.
Identifier: Text-201002265
Title: Effect of prefabricated vertical drains on pore pressure generation in liquefiable sand
Creator(s): Rathje, Ellen M.; Chang, W. -J.; Cox, B. R.; Stokoe, Kenneth H.
Identifier: Text-201106285
Title: Shear wave velocity profiling by the SASW method at selected strong-motion stations in Turkey
Creator(s): Rosenblad, B.; Rathje, Ellen M.; Stokoe, Kenneth H.
Identifier: Text-2013032818
Title: In situ V subscript S profiles from SASW testing at geotechnical sites shaken by the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Stokoe, Kenneth H.; Joh, S.-H.; Bay, James A.
Identifier: Text-201402273
Title: Field evaluation of the nonlinear shear modulus of soil
Creator(s): Kurtulus, Asli; Stokoe, Kenneth H.
Identifier: Text-201501051
Title: Dynamic response of San Francisco Bay mud
Creator(s): Stokoe, Kenneth H.; Lodde, P. F.
Identifier: Text-201502131
Title: Dynamic properties of offshore silty samples
Creator(s): Stokoe, Kenneth H.; Isenhower, William M.; Hsu, J. R.
Identifier: Text-201504284
Title: Effect of magnitude and type of damping on soil amplification
Creator(s): Roesset, Jose M.; Stokoe, Kenneth H.; Huerta, Carlos I.
Identifier: Text-238854
Title: Insitu test results from four Loma Prieta earthquake liquefaction sites: SPT, CPT, DMT and shear wave velocity
Creator(s): Mitchell, James Kenneth; Lodge, Angela L.; Coutinho, Roberto Q.; Kayen, Robert E.; Seed, Raymond B.; Nishio, Shinya; Stokoe, Kenneth H.
Identifier: Text-S30346
Title: Interpretation of strain-dependent modulus and damping from torsional soil tests
Creator(s): Chen, Albert T.; Stokoe, Kenneth H.
Identifier: Text-S37300
Title: Draft guidelines for evaluating liquefaction resistance using shear wave velocity measurements and simplified procedures
Creator(s): Andrus, Ronald D.; Stokoe, Kenneth H.; Chung, R. M.
Identifier: Text-S37945
Title: Dynamic response of machine foundations
Creator(s): Stokoe, Kenneth H.; Richart, F. E.; Lee, Kenneth L.