Identifier: Text-201101251
Title: Cyclic tests of existing and retrofitted sway frames of SFOBB, final report of the project
Creator(s): Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan; Cho, Sung-Wook; Stepanov, Lev
Identifier: Text-201606243
Title: Cyclic and monotonic tests of truss verticals of SFOBB
Creator(s): Astaneh-Asl, Abolhassan; Westphal, Derek; Stepanov, Lev; Cho, Sung-Wook
Identifier: Text-268701
Title: Application of "dog bones" for improvement of seismic behavior of steel connections
Creator(s): Popov, Egor P.; Blondet, J. Marcial; Stepanov, Lev
Identifier: Text-301348
Title: Cyclic Testing of Three Full-Scale Steel Beam-Column Connections
Creator(s): Blondet, J. Marcial; Stepanov, Lev; Popov, Egor P.
Identifier: Text-318180
Title: Cyclic Testing of Four Full-Scale Steel Beam-Column Connections with "Dogbones"
Creator(s): Popov, Egor P.; Blondet, J. Marcial; Stepanov, Lev
Identifier: Text-321336
Title: Seismic Response of Lightweight Concrete Panels with Friction-Based Energy Dissipators
Creator(s): Sasani, Mehrdad; Popov, Egor P.; Blondet, J. Marcial; Stepanov, Lev