Identifier: Text-1256504
Title: Structural engineering reconnaissance of the August 17, 1999 earthquake: Kocaeli (Izmit), Turkey
Creator(s): Sezen, Halil; Elwood, Kenneth J.; Whittaker, Andrew S.; Mosalam, Khalid M.; Wallace, John W.; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-200604263
Title: Design of seismic bridge restrainers considering spatial variation of ground motions
Creator(s): Hudgings, Thomas R.; Eberhard, Marc O.; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-200607185
Title: Damage accumulation in lightly confined reinforced concrete bridge columns
Creator(s): Ranf, R. Tyler; Nelson, Jared M.; Price, Zachary M.; Eberhard, Marc O.; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-200803262
Title: Bar buckling in reinforced concrete bridge columns
Creator(s): Brown, Wayne A.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-2009031310
Title: Shaking table tests on piles
Creator(s): Stanton, John F.; Banerjee, Sunirmal; Hasayen, Izzat
Identifier: Text-201107201
Title: Low temperature behavior and acceptance criteria for elastomeric bridge bearings
Creator(s): Roeder, Charles W.; Stanton, John F.; Feller, Troy
Identifier: Text-201302147
Title: Behavior of cracked concrete nuclear containment vessels during earthquakes
Creator(s): Gergely, Peter; Stanton, John F.; White, Richard N.
Identifier: Text-201303061
Title: Unbonded pre-tensioned columns for bridges in seismic regions
Creator(s): Davis, Phillip M.; Janes, Todd M.; Eberhard, Marc O.; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-2013041612
Title: Influence of floor diaphragms on the seismic response of precast parking garages
Creator(s): Wood, Sharon L.; Stanton, John F.; Hawkins, Neil M.
Identifier: Text-201305301
Title: Seismic resistance of precast concrete bridge columns made with unbonded pre-tensioning and hybrid fiber reinforced concrete
Creator(s): Haraldsson, Olafur S.; Schoettler, Matthew J.; Finnsson, Gunnsteinn; Davis, Phillip M.; Stanton, John F.; Eberhard, Marc O.
Identifier: Text-201407039
Title: Rapid construction details for bridges in seismic zones
Creator(s): Stanton, John F.; Eberhard, Marc O.; Gunnarsson, Kari; Hieber, David G.; Wacker, Jonathon M.
Identifier: Text-2014071410
Title: Unbonded pretensioned bridge columns with rocking detail
Creator(s): Schaefer, Jeffrey A.; Kennedy, Bryan; Eberhard, Marc O.; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-201407189
Title: Seismic performance of precast reinforced concrete and hybrid bridge piers
Creator(s): Hieber, David G.; Wacker, Jonathon M.; Stanton, John F.; Eberhard, Marc O.
Identifier: Text-201412037
Title: Seismic performance of reinforced concrete beam-column joints
Creator(s): Lehman, Dawn E.; Mosier, W. Greg; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-201412106
Title: Influence of joint shear stress demand and displacement history on the seismic performance of beam-column joints
Creator(s): Walker, Steven G.; Yeargin, C. M.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-2015060911
Title: Effects of beam growth on the behavior of reinforced concrete frames
Creator(s): Kim, Jubum; Stanton, John F.; MacRae, Gregory A.
Identifier: Text-201507012
Title: Performance based seismic avaluation of existing joints
Creator(s): Walker, Steven G.; Yeargin, C. M.; Lehman, Dawn E.; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-201507027
Title: Precast walls designed for seismic resistance
Creator(s): Stanton, John F.; Galusha, Joe
Identifier: Text-91001211
Title: The development of a mathematical model to predict the flexural response of reinforced concrete beams to cyclic loads, using system identification
Creator(s): Stanton, John F.; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-S34804
Title: Unseating of simply supported spans during earthquakes
Creator(s): Trochalakis, Panos; Eberhard, Marc O.; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-S34813
Title: Seismic behavior of skew bridges
Creator(s): Bjornsson, Sveinn; Eberhard, Marc O.; Stanton, John F.
Identifier: Text-S34814
Title: Design of seismic bridge restrainers considering spatial variation of ground motions
Creator(s): Hudgings, Thomas R.; Eberhard, Marc O.; Stanton, John F.