Identifier: Text-S25619
Title: Vereinfachte Erdbebenberechnung von Naturzugkuhlturmen. Simplified earthquake analysis of natural draught cooling towers
Creator(s): Kratzig, Wilfried B.; Meskouris, Konstantin
Identifier: Text-S25635
Title: MISS--Modulares interaktives software system
Creator(s): Kratzig, Wilfried B.
Identifier: Text-S30404
Title: Numerische Kollapsanalysen zur Uberprufung der Sicherheit und Zuverlassigkeit grosser Naturzugkuhlturme = numerical collapse simulations of large cooling towers checking their safety and durability
Creator(s): Kratzig, Wilfried B.; Gruber, K.; Zahlten, W.
Identifier: Text-S34201
Title: Dynamics of civil engineering structures
Creator(s): Kratzig, Wilfried B.; Niemann, Hans J.
Identifier: Text-S39008
Title: Approximate earthquake analysis of cooling towers
Creator(s): Kratzig, Wilfried B.; Meskouris, Konstantin
Identifier: Text-S39149
Title: Structural dynamics : proceedings of the European Conference on Structural Dynamics Eurodyn '90, 5-7 June 1990, Bochum, FR Germany
Creator(s): Kratzig, Wilfried B.