Identifier: Text-1263154
Title: Ground motion evaluation procedures for performance-based design
Creator(s): Stewart, Jonathan P.; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Graves, Robert W.; Somerville, Paul G.; Abrahamson, Norman A.
Identifier: Text-200606278
Title: Bridge seismic analysis procedure to address near-fault effects
Creator(s): Choi, Hoon; Saiidi, Mehdi; Somerville, Paul G.; El-Azazy, Saad S.
Identifier: Text-200609153
Title: The January 17, 1995 Hyogo Ken Nanbu (Kobe) Earthquake: Geoscience and Geotechnical Aspects
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.
Identifier: Text-200706065
Title: Development of an engineering model of basin generated surface waves
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Collins, Nancy; Graves, Robert W.; Pitarka, Arben
Identifier: Text-200711168
Title: Influenece of critical Moho reflections on strong ground motion attenuation in California
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Smith, Nancy F.; Dreger, Douglas S.
Identifier: Text-200803062
Title: Modification of empirical strong ground motion attenuation relations to include the amplitude and duration effects of rupture directivity
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Smith, Nancy F.; Graves, Robert W.; Abrahamson, Norman A.
Identifier: Text-200804036
Title: Representation of near-fault rupture directivity effects in design ground motions, and application to Caltrans bridges
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Smith, Nancy F.; Graves, Robert W.; Abrahamson, Norman A.
Identifier: Text-200903139
Title: Strong ground motion parameters
Creator(s): O'Rourke, Michael J.; Hadjiantoniou, Alex; Somerville, Paul G.
Identifier: Text-201001255
Title: Goodness of fit in simulated near-fault long period ground motions
Creator(s): Graves, Robert W.; Pitarka, Arben; Collins, Nancy; Somerville, Paul G.
Identifier: Text-201001285
Title: Estimates of ground motions at substations from past earthquakes
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Smith, Nancy F.
Identifier: Text-201101062
Title: Probabilistic tsunami hazard in California
Creator(s): Thio, Hong Kie; Somerville, Paul G.; Polet, Jascha
Identifier: Text-201103182
Title: Uncertainty in numerical strong motion predictions
Creator(s): Abrahamson, Norman A.; Somerville, Paul G.; Cornell, C. Allin
Identifier: Text-201111042
Title: Updated probabilistic and deterministic seismic hazard analyses for the University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory: final report
Creator(s): Wong, Ivan; Thomas, Patricia; Somerville, Paul G.
Identifier: Text-201208236
Title: Advances in earthquake groud motion analysis for seismic design
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Graves, Robert W.
Identifier: Text-201303133
Title: Research overview on strong ground motion : the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.
Identifier: Text-2013032817
Title: Implications of the Northridge earthquake for ground motions from thrust earthquakes
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Saikia, Chandan K.; Graves, Robert W.; Abrahamson, Norman A.
Identifier: Text-2013041723
Title: Response of tilt-up buildings to seismic demands: case studies from the 1994 Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Harris, Stephen K.; Hamburger, Ronald O.; Martin, Scott C.; McCormick, David L.; Somerville, Paul G.
Identifier: Text-201306208
Title: Final report of the NGA-West2 directivity working group
Creator(s): Spudich, Paul; Bayless, Jeffrey R.; Baker, Jack W.; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Rowshandel, Badiollah; Shahi, Shrey K.; Somerville, Paul G.
Identifier: Text-201402054
Title: Simulation of ground motion scaling characteristics for the NGA-E project
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.
Identifier: Text-201404172
Title: Broadband ground motion simulations for scenario ruptures of the Puente Hills Fault
Creator(s): Graves, Robert W.; Somerville, Paul G.
Identifier: Text-2014051317
Title: Differences in earthquake source and ground motion characteristics between surface and buried faulting earthquakes
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Pitarka, Arben
Identifier: Text-201405149
Title: Design of a self-centering seismic base isolator for an antiquity
Creator(s): Stavridis, Andreas N.; Schoettler, Matthew J.; Somerville, Paul G.; Thio, Hong Kie; Poda, Jerry C.
Identifier: Text-201407032
Title: Development of seismic ground motion criteria for the ASCE 7 standard
Creator(s): Crouse, C. B.; Leyendecker, Edgar V.; Somerville, Paul G.; Power, Maurice S.; Silva, Walter J.
Identifier: Text-201410205
Title: Scaling relations between seismic moment and rupture area of earthquakes in stable continental regions
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.
Identifier: Text-201503133
Title: Engineering characterization of ground motion - Task 11 : observational data on spatial variations of earthquake ground motion
Creator(s): Chang, C.- Y.; Power, Maurice S.; Idriss, I. M.; Somerville, Paul G.; Chen, P. C.
Identifier: Text-Lib050189
Title: Development of ground motion time histories for phase 2 of the FEMA/SAC Steel Project
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Smith, Nancy F.; Punyamurthula, Sujan; Sun, Joseph I.
Identifier: Text-Lib050190
Title: Ground motions for site response estimates -- 1906 earthquake
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Graves, Robert W.; Collins, Nancy
Identifier: Text-S20854
Title: The influence of critical Moho reflections on strong ground motions recorded in San Francisco and Oakland during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Yoshimura, Joanne
Identifier: Text-S28733
Title: The Izu-Oshima-Kinkai earthquake of 1978. [31 papers]
Creator(s): Shimazaki, Kunihiko; Somerville, Paul G.; Tsuneishi, Yukimasa
Identifier: Text-S31934
Title: The influence of critical Moho reflections on strong ground motion attenuation in California
Creator(s): Somerville, Paul G.; Smith, Nancy; Dreger, Douglas S.