Identifier: Text-111001736
Title: Linear models to predict the nonlinear seismic behavior of a one-story steel frame
Creator(s): Valdimarsson, Helgi; Shah, Arvind H.; McNiven, Hugh D.
Identifier: Text-300436
Title: An Investigation of the Resonant Frequencies of Axisymmetric Motions in Hollow, Finite, Elastic Rods
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Shah, Arvind H.
Identifier: Text-300437
Title: Extensional Waves in a Semi-Infinite Hollow Elastic Rod
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Shah, Arvind H.
Identifier: Text-300445
Title: An Investigation of Elastic Waves with Imaginary and Complex Wave Numbers in Hollow Rods
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Sackman, Jerome L.; Shah, Arvind H.
Identifier: Text-300446
Title: An Approximate Theory for the Vibrations of Hollow, Elastic Rods
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Shah, Arvind H.; Sackman, Jerome L.