The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S32808
Title: The Kobe earthquake of January 17, 1995 : initial impressions from a quick reconnaissance
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J.; MacRae, Gregory A.

Icon Identifier: Text-S33157
Title: Experimental evaluation of a typical bridge column footing designed to currrent Caltrans standards
Creator(s): Xiao, Yan; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S33166
Title: Shear behavior of lightweight concrete columns under seismic conditions
Creator(s): Kowalsky, M. J.; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S33167
Title: Seismic response of reinforced masonry soundwalls
Creator(s): Kakaliagos, Aristotle; Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J.

Icon Identifier: Text-S33667
Title: Seismic design and retrofit of bridges
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder; Calvi, Gian M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S34132
Title: Seismic assessment and retrofit of bridges
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S34162
Title: PCYCO, program for cyclic analysis of concrete structures : user reference manual
Creator(s): Kurkchubasche, Albert G.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S34350
Title: Seismic performance of a bridge knee joint reinforced with headed reinforcement
Creator(s): Ingham, Jason M.; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S34385
Title: Structural response assessment of soil nail wall facings : executive summary of experimental and analytical investigations
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S35570
Title: The influence of member size on the shear response of reinforced concrete members
Creator(s): Collins, Michael P.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S35601
Title: Shake table testing of lightweight concrete bridges
Creator(s): Kowalsky, Mervyn J.; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S35604
Title: Seismic design and performance of concrete multi-column bents for bridges
Creator(s): Sritharan, Sri; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S35733
Title: Proceedings, Third Workshop on Bridge Engineering Research in Progress, November 16-17, 1992, La Jolla California
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S35869
Title: Response of standard Caltrans pile-to-pile cap connections under simulated seismic loads
Creator(s): Silva, Pedro F.; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S36026
Title: Longitudinal seismic response of precast spliced-girder bridges
Creator(s): Holombo, Jay; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S36028
Title: Nonlinear seismic analysis and design of reinforced concrete bridge structures
Creator(s): Dowell, Robert K.; Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S36253
Title: Proceedings of the Invitational Workshop on Seismic Testing, Analysis and Design of Woodframe Construction
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Filiatrault, André; Uang, Chia M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S36515
Title: Substation equipment interaction : rigid and flexible conductor studies
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André; Kremmidas, Spyridon; Elgamal, Ahmed-Waeil M.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S36516
Title: Seismic performance of flared bridge columns
Creator(s): Sanchez, Anthony V.; Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S36554
Title: Carbon fiber jacketing technology for seismic retrofit of freeway bridge columns
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S36611
Title: Seismic isolation of bridge spans by pendulum suspension
Creator(s): Veletzos, Marc J.; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S36612
Title: Design example of a multiple column bridge bent under seismic loads using the Alaska cast-in-place steel shell
Creator(s): Silva, Pedro F.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S36657
Title: Performance library of concrete bridge components, sub-assemblages, and systems under simulated seismic loads
Creator(s): Hose, Yael D.; Silva, Pedro F.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S36658
Title: Strategic relocation of plastic hinges in bridge columns
Creator(s): Hose, Yael D.; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S39114
Title: San Francisco double decker viaduct retrofit -- independent edge girder proof test -- September 18, 1991 : preliminary results
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder; Anderson, Donald L.