The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S19533
Title: Design and construction of the Charles Lee Powell Structural Systems Laboratory
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S30851
Title: Proof test of a retrofit concept for the San Francisco double-deck viaducts
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder; Anderson, Donald L.

Icon Identifier: Text-S30854
Title: Coupling joint behavior in segmental post-tensioned concrete bridges
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Libby, Donald R.; Chai, Yuk Hon

Icon Identifier: Text-S30855
Title: Seismic design of concrete and masonry structures : seminar notes
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S30856
Title: Structural concrete overlays in bridge deck rehabilitation : experimental program
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Latham, Christopher T.; Krishnan, Kosalram

Icon Identifier: Text-S30857
Title: Structural concrete overlays in bridge deck rehabilitation : summary of experimental results, analytical studies and design recommendations
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Latham, Christopher T.; Krishnan, Kosalram

Icon Identifier: Text-S30858
Title: Structural concrete overlays in bridge deck rehabilitation : preliminary results
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S30863
Title: Design and construction of the Charles Lee Powell Structural Systems Laboratory
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S30876
Title: Strengthening techniques for reinforced concrete bridge superstructures
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J.; Krishnan, Kosalram

Icon Identifier: Text-S30877
Title: San Francisco flexural retrofit validation tests on rectangular columns
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J.; Sun, Zunling

Icon Identifier: Text-S30878
Title: Dynamic response characteristics for repair and strengthening measures of the Gepford overhead section
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S30879
Title: Simulation of rolling loads on the Gepford overhead bridge section
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S30881
Title: Design & analysis of structural systems : seminar notes
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31425
Title: Flexural retrofit of rectangular reinforced concrete bridge columns by steel jacketing : experimental studies
Creator(s): Sun, Zunling; Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31460
Title: I-880 reconstruction project seismic design criteria review : assessment by the Independent Seismic Safety Review Panel
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Idriss, I. M.; Nicoletti, Joseph P.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31530
Title: Flexural integrity of cap column connections with #18 bars
Creator(s): Terayama, Toru; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S31536
Title: Steel jacket retrofit for enhancing shear strength of short rectangular reinforced concrete columns
Creator(s): Xiao, Yan; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S31620
Title: Diagnostics and retrofit of rectangular bridge columns for seismic loads
Creator(s): Sun, Zunling; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S31622
Title: Assessment of seismic response and steel jacket retrofit of squat circular reinforced concrete bridge columns
Creator(s): Verma, Ravindra; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S31651
Title: Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete masonry walls under simulated seismic loadings
Creator(s): La, Rovere H.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S31782
Title: The Northridge earthquake of January 17, 1994 : damage analysis of selected freeway bridges
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder; Uang, Chia M.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31897
Title: Seismic performance of bridge knee joints
Creator(s): Ingham, Jason M.; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S31946
Title: Santa Monica viaduct retrofit : large-scale column-cap beam joint transverse test : preliminary report
Creator(s): MacRae, G. A.; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S31977
Title: Development of the generated sequence displacement procedure and the simulated seismic testing of the TCCMAR 3-story in-plane walls
Creator(s): Igarashi, Akira; Seible, Frieder; Hegemier, Gilbert A.

Icon Identifier: Text-S31989
Title: The U.S.-TCCMAR full-scale five-story masonry research building test
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S31994
Title: The U.S.-TCCMAR full-scale five-story masonry research building test
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S32163
Title: Seismic performance of circular columns with low longitudinal steel ration
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder; Benzoni, Gianmario

Icon Identifier: Text-S32165
Title: Full-scale bridge column/superstructure connection tests under simulated longitudinal seismic loads
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S32327
Title: Seismic performance of bridge knee joints
Creator(s): Ingham, Jason M.; Priestley, M. J.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S32766
Title: Seismic repair and retrofit of a full-scale five-story masonry research building : prliminary results
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder