The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-201109124
Title: Proof testing of carbon fiber composite stay cables for the I-5 - Gilman advanced technology bridge
Creator(s): Cicerone, Sara; Seible, Frieder; Karbhari, Vistasp M.; Rizzo, P.; Lanza Di Scalea, F.

Icon Identifier: Text-201109126
Title: An overview of the Caltrans - UCSD SRMD Test Facility
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Benzoni, Gianmario; Spangler-Shortreed, Jean; Innamorato, Donato

Icon Identifier: Text-201304094
Title: Research Overview : highway bridges and transportation systems
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-201304178
Title: Lessons learned from bridge performance during the Northridge earthquake
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J. N.

Icon Identifier: Text-201307095
Title: Seismic response of precast segmental bridge superstructures
Creator(s): Veletzos, Marc J.; Restrepo, Jose I.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-201402278
Title: Bidirectional testing of a retrofitted bridge pier in BART's West Oakland aerial guideway
Creator(s): Schoettler, Matthew J.; Restrepo, Jose I.; Seible, Frieder; Matsuda, E.

Icon Identifier: Text-201407301
Title: Experimental studies of substation equipment interactions
Creator(s): Filiatrault, André; Kremmidas, Spyridon; Elgamal, Ahmed-Waeil M.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-2015040212
Title: Fiber reinforced polymer modular short and medium span bridges for seismic zones
Creator(s): Burgueno, Rigoberto; Seible, Frieder; Seaberg, Earl

Icon Identifier: Text-2015040213
Title: Longitudinal seismic design of precast spliced-girder bridges
Creator(s): Holombo, Jay; Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-2015040214
Title: Seismic design recommendations for lightweight concrete bridges
Creator(s): Kowalsky, Mervyn J.; Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-201504026
Title: The CALTRANS seismic response modifcation device test system
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Benzoni, Gianmario; Post, Thomas; Mellon, Dorie

Icon Identifier: Text-201504031
Title: Design recommendations for flared column connections
Creator(s): Sanchez, Anthony V.; Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J. N.

Icon Identifier: Text-201504032
Title: Multiple column bridge bents - seismic design recommendations
Creator(s): Sritharan, Sivananthan; Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-201504033
Title: Seismic response of well-confined circular reinforced concrete columns with low aspect ratios
Creator(s): Vu, Nganha D.; Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder; Benzoni, Gianmario

Icon Identifier: Text-201504034
Title: Performance limit states for the design of standard Caltrans pile-to-pile cap connections
Creator(s): Silva, Pedro F.; Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J. N.

Icon Identifier: Text-201505225
Title: Application of the performance evaluation database to the San Francisco - Oakland Bay Bridge East Bay skyway
Creator(s): Hose, Yael D.; Hines, Eric M.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-201601196
Title: Qualification of innovative anti-seismic devices by means of the large test equipment of CalTrans at the University of California San Diego
Creator(s): Benzoni, Gianmario; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-2016032912
Title: Assessment of splice and anchorage details
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J. N.; Latham, Christopher T.; Terayama, Toru

Icon Identifier: Text-201603301
Title: Proof test of the San Francisco double-deck retrofit concept
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder; Anderson, Donald L.

Icon Identifier: Text-2016033010
Title: Column retrofit using fiberglass - epoxy jackets
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J. N.; Fyfe, Ed; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-2016033011
Title: Retrofit of column - cap beam knee joint
Creator(s): Ingham, Jason M.; Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-201603302
Title: Retrofit and assessment of foundations (bridges)
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder; Hamada, N.

Icon Identifier: Text-201603308
Title: Flexural retrofit of bridge columns by steel jacketing
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder; Chai, Yuk Hon; Sun, Zunling

Icon Identifier: Text-201603309
Title: Shear retrofit of bridge columns by steel jacketing
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder; Xiao, Y.; Verma, Ravindra

Icon Identifier: Text-300192
Title: Nonlinear Analysis and Ultimate Strength of Multi-Cell Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridges
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-Lib050140
Title: Practical dynamic nonlinear bridge analysis
Creator(s): Dowell, Robert K.; Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J. N.

Icon Identifier: Text-LIB050286
Title: BART aerial guideway bent proof test
Creator(s): Schoettler, Matthew J.; Seible, Frieder; Restrepo, J. I.

Icon Identifier: Text-S18938
Title: The Japanese five-story full scale reinforced masonry building test
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S19007
Title: Report on large structures testing facilities in Japan
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder

Icon Identifier: Text-S19010
Title: Summary on pseudodynamic testing
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; La, Rovere H.