Identifier: Software-NOBOXZIP
Title: NOBOX: Nonlinear Analysis of Multi-Cell Reinforced Concrete Box Girder Bridges of Arbitrary Plan Geometry
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-1200717
Title: CAL80 - SIMPAL User Information Manual
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Latham, Christopher T.
Identifier: Text-1205652
Title: Performance evaluation database for concrete bridge components and systems under simulated seismic loads
Creator(s): Hose, Yael D.; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-200605121
Title: Seismic performance of reinforced concrete columns under varying axial load
Creator(s): Benzoni, Gianmario; Ohtaki, Takeshi; Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-200605122
Title: Seismic performance of circular reinforced concrete columns under varying axial load
Creator(s): Benzoni, Gianmario; Ohtaki, Takeshi; Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-2006062733
Title: Performance evaluation of shear links for the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
Creator(s): Uang, Chia-Ming; Seible, Frieder; McDaniel, Cole C.; Chou, Chung-Che
Identifier: Text-200610202
Title: Shake table tests of as-built and retrofitted configuration: route 5/405 separation
Creator(s): MacRae, Gregory A.; Hodge, Christopher D.; Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-200705303
Title: Development of the generated sequential displacement procedure and the simulated seismic testing of the TCCMAR 3-story in-plane walls
Creator(s): Igarashi, Akira; Seible, Frieder; Hegemier, Gilbert A.
Identifier: Text-200803174
Title: Design guidelines for assessment retrofit and repair of bridges for seismic performance
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder; Chai, Yuk Hon
Identifier: Text-200803266
Title: Performance limit states of box girder bridge superstructures under longitudinal seismic excitation
Creator(s): Dowell, Robert K.; Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-200803276
Title: Lightweight concrete bridge column design in seismic regions
Creator(s): Kowalsky, Mervyn J.; Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-200804032
Title: Advanced composite carbon shell systems for bridge columns under seismic loads
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-200804033
Title: Developments in bridge column jacketing using advanced composites
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Hegemier, Gilbert A.; Priestley, M. J. N.; Innamorato, Donato
Identifier: Text-200804044
Title: San Francisco double decker independent edge girder proof test: preliminary results
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder; Anderson, Donald L.
Identifier: Text-200804151
Title: Response to standard Caltrans pile-to-pile cap conections under simulated seismic loads
Creator(s): Silva, Pedro F.; Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J. N.
Identifier: Text-200804152
Title: Response of the Coronado Bay Bridge pile-to-pile cap connections under simulated seismic loads
Creator(s): Silva, Pedro F.; Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J. N.
Identifier: Text-200807241
Title: Full-scale bridge column - superstructure connection tests under simulated longitudinal seismic loads
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Priestley, M. J. N.; Latham, Christopher T.; Silva, Pedro F.
Identifier: Text-200809035
Title: Seismic shear strength of reinforced concrete columns
Creator(s): Priestley, M. J. N.; Seible, Frieder; Verma, Ravindra; Xiao, Yan
Identifier: Text-201004262
Title: San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge Task E1: full-scale shear link test
Creator(s): McDaniel, Cole C.; Uang, Chia-Ming; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-201004265
Title: Analysis of component tests of the new San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
Creator(s): Dowell, Robert K.; Parker, Daniel R.; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-201004266
Title: Structural testing of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge East Span Skyway Structures: longitudinal pier test
Creator(s): Hines, Eric M.; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-201004267
Title: On-Line structural monitoring and data management
Creator(s): Elgamal, Ahmed-Waeil M.; Seible, Frieder; Vernon, Frank; Trivedi, Mohan; Fraser, Michael
Identifier: Text-201004272
Title: Incremental confinement effects in a moment-curvature analysis
Creator(s): Dowell, Robert K.; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-201005062
Title: Seismic performance of precast segmental bridge superstructures
Creator(s): Garg, M.; Megally, Sami H.; Seible, Frieder; Dowell, Robert K.
Identifier: Text-201005111
Title: Seismic performance of sacrificial shear keys
Creator(s): Silva, Pedro F.; Megally, Sami H.; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-201005113
Title: Longitudinal seismic response of concrete substructure steel superstructure integral bridge connections
Creator(s): Patty, Jill; Seible, Frieder; Uang, Chia-Ming
Identifier: Text-201105312
Title: Design of the Caltrans seismic response modification device (SRMD) test facility
Creator(s): Benzoni, Gianmario; Seible, Frieder
Identifier: Text-201109121
Title: Overview of the Kings Stormwater Channel Advanced Composite Bridge Demonstration Project
Creator(s): Seible, Frieder; Zhao, Lei; Karbhari, Vistasp M.
Identifier: Text-201109122
Title: Field monitoring of the Kings Stormwater Channel advanced composite bridge
Creator(s): Zhao, Lei; Seible, Frieder; Karbhari, Vistasp M.; Sikorsky, Charles S.
Identifier: Text-201109123
Title: Experimental characterization of the I-5 - Gilman advanced technology bridge
Creator(s): Hose, Yael D.; Zhao, Lei; Karbhari, Vistasp M.; Seible, Frieder