The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-7001301
Title: A simplified procedure for estimating earthquake-induced deformations in dams and embankments
Creator(s): Makdisi, Faiz I.; Seed, H. Bolton

Icon Identifier: Text-7001358
Title: The performance of earth dams during earthquakes
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Makdisi, Faiz I.; De Alba, Pedro

Icon Identifier: Text-81000647
Title: MASH: a computer program for the non-linear analysis of vertically propagating shear waves in horizontally layered deposits
Creator(s): Martin, Philippe P.; Seed, H. Bolton

Icon Identifier: Text-81000648
Title: APOLLO: a computer program for the analysis of pore pressure generation and dissipation in horizontal sand layers during cyclic or earthquake loading
Creator(s): Martin, Philippe P.; Seed, H. Bolton

Icon Identifier: Text-81000669
Title: Earthquake induced deformations of earth dams
Creator(s): Chang, C. Y.; Serff, Norman J.; Seed, H. Bolton; Makdisi, Faiz I.

Icon Identifier: Text-91000521
Title: Cyclic behavior of dense coarse-grained materials in relation to the seismic stability of dams
Creator(s): Banerjee, Nani G.; Seed, H. Bolton; Chan, Clarence K.

Icon Identifier: Text-91000975
Title: Soil structure interaction in different seismic environments
Creator(s): Gomez-Masso, Alberto; Lysmer, John; Chen, Jian-Chu; Seed, H. Bolton

Icon Identifier: Text-91001588
Title: Earthquake-induced liquefaction near Lake Amatitlan, Guatemala
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Arango, Ignacio; Chan, Clarence K.; Gomez-Masso, Alberto; Grant Ascoli, R.

Icon Identifier: Text-S21481
Title: Re-evaluation of the lower San Fernando Dam
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Icon Identifier: Text-S24780
Title: Determination of soil liquefaction characteristics by large-scale laboratory tests
Creator(s): De Alba, Pedro; Chan, Clarence K.; Seed, H. Bolton

Icon Identifier: Text-S26153
Title: Dynamic response analyses for earth dams; a report of an investigation
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Martin, Geoffrey R.

Icon Identifier: Text-S26270
Title: Evaluation of soil liquefaction potential for level ground during earthquakes, summary report
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton; Arango, Ignacio; Chan, Clarence K.

Icon Identifier: Text-S29030
Title: Response of earth banks during earthquakes
Creator(s): Idriss, I. M.; Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-2008100710
Title: Settlement of Niigata Airport Building
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-2008100711
Title: Building settlement in liquefied sand area, Puerto Montt, Chile
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-2008100712
Title: Lateral separation of building at Puerto Montt, Chile
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-200810076
Title: Differential settlement between bridge abutment and backfill, Niigata, Japan
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-200810077
Title: Differential settlement of bridge pier, abutment, and backfill, Portage, Alaska
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-200810078
Title: Sewage treatment tank which floated to surface during Niigata Earthquake
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-200810079
Title: Building damage induced by settlement of neighboring structure, Niigata, Japan
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-200810081
Title: Artist's concept of soil flow slide at Valdez
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-2008100810
Title: Collapse of bridge during Alaska Earthquake
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-2008100811
Title: Collapse of bridge during Alaska Earthquake
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-200810082
Title: Collapse of highway fill in Chilean Earthquake
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-200810083
Title: Collapse of highway fill in Chilean Earthquake
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-200810085
Title: Collapse of dike along bank of canal during El Centro Earthquake
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton

Thumbnail Image Identifier: Image-200810089
Title: Collapse of highway bridge approach fill during El Centro Earthquake
Creator(s): Seed, H. Bolton