Identifier: Text-S24800
Title: Advanced mechanics of materials
Creator(s): Seely, Fred B.; Boresi, Arthur P.
Identifier: Text-S37888
Title: Engineering mechanics in civil engineering : proceedings of the Fifth Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference
Creator(s): Boresi, Arthur P.; Chong, K. P.
Identifier: Text-S38265
Title: Advanced mechanics of materials
Creator(s): Boresi, Arthur P.; Sidebottom, Omar M.
Identifier: Text-S38982
Title: Earthquake-induced rocking and translation of a cooling tower
Creator(s): Langhaar, Henry L.; Boresi, Arthur P.; Miller, Robert E.
Identifier: Text-S40773
Title: Advanced mechanics of materials
Creator(s): Boresi, Arthur P.; Schmidt, Richard J.; Sidebottom, Omar M.