Identifier: Text-S24766
Title: A simple K. triaxial cell
Creator(s): Campanella, R. G.; Vaid, Y. P.
Identifier: Text-S26199
Title: Creep rupture of a saturated natural clay
Creator(s): Campanella, R. G.; Vaid, Y. P.
Identifier: Text-S26201
Title: Triaxial and plane strain creep rupture of an undisturbed clay
Creator(s): Campanella, R. G.; Vaid, Y. P.
Identifier: Text-S26203
Title: Influence of stress path on the plane strain behaviour of a sensitive clay
Creator(s): Campanella, R. G.; Vaid, Y. P.
Identifier: Text-S26360
Title: Comparison of triaxial and plane strain behavior of an undisturbed clay
Creator(s): Vaid, Y. P.; Campanella, R. G.
Identifier: Text-S26384
Title: In-situ tests to assess liquefaction resistance
Creator(s): Robertson, Peter K.; Campanella, R. G.
Identifier: Text-S26518
Title: Effect of structure on shearing resistance of a sensitive clay
Creator(s): Campanella, R. G.; Gupta, R. C.
Identifier: Text-S29580
Title: Evaluation of liquefaction potential using the cone penetration test
Creator(s): Robertson, Peter K.; Campanella, R. G.
Identifier: Text-S29806
Title: The flat plate dilatometer test for liquefaction assessment
Creator(s): Robertson, Peter K.; Campanella, R. G.
Identifier: Text-S29822
Title: A seismic cone penetrometer to measure engineering properties of soil
Creator(s): Campanella, R. G.; Robertson, Peter K.
Identifier: Text-S29823
Title: UBC contributions to ASCE Foundations Congress, June 1989
Creator(s): Robertson, Peter K.; Campanella, R. G.
Identifier: Text-S29825
Title: Design of laterally loaded driven piles using the flat plate dilatometer
Creator(s): Robertson, Peter K.; Davies, Michael P.; Campanella, R. G.