Identifier: Text-201108294
Title: Study on unstationary vibration of building structure with plastic deformation of substructure
Creator(s): Kobori, Takuji; Minai, R.
Identifier: Text-201504085
Title: Nonlinear dynamic impedance of pile group foundation
Creator(s): Miura, Kenji; Masuda, K.; Maeda, Takahiro; Kobori, Takuji
Identifier: Text-201504283
Title: Nonlinear analysis method for prediction of base motion
Creator(s): Yamada, A.; Miura, Kenji; Kobori, Takuji
Identifier: Text-S24730
Title: Dynamical compliance of rectangular foundations on an infinite half-space
Creator(s): Thomson, William T.; Kobori, Takuji
Identifier: Text-S29056
Title: Nonstationary random response of bilinear hysteretic systems
Creator(s): Kobori, Takuji
Identifier: Text-S29066
Title: Stochastic seismic response of hysteretic structures
Creator(s): Kobori, Takuji
Identifier: Text-S29079
Title: Statistical linearization techniques for dynamical systems with fluctuating hysteresis
Creator(s): Kobori, Takuji
Identifier: Text-S29080
Title: Statistical linearization techniques of hysteretic structures to earthquake excitations
Creator(s): Kobori, Takuji
Identifier: Text-S29081
Title: Torsional vibration characteristics of the interaction between a cylindrical elastic rod and its surrounding viscoelastic stratum
Creator(s): Kobori, Takuji
Identifier: Text-S35166
Title: Nonlinear torsional vibration of structures due to an earthquake
Creator(s): Tanabashi, Ryo; Kobori, Takuji; Kaneta, Kiyoshi
Identifier: Text-S36371
Title: Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Structural Control
Creator(s): Kobori, Takuji
Identifier: Text-S39163
Title: Preliminary report of the January 17, 1995 Great Hanshin earthquake
Creator(s): Sakamoto, Mitsuo; Indrawan, Benjamin; Kobori, Takuji