Identifier: Software-ISADABZIP
Title: ISADAB: Inelastic Static and Dynamic Analysis of Bridges
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi; Lawver, Renee A.; Hart, James D.
Identifier: Software-MICROSARBZIP
Title: MICROSARB: Seismic Analysis of Regular Highway Bridges
Creator(s): Orie, Donald; Saiidi, Mehdi
Identifier: Text-13WC002344
Title: Using NEES to investigate soil-foundation-structure interaction
Creator(s): Wood, Sharon L.; Anagnos, Thalia; Arduino, Pedro; Eberhard, Marc O.; Fenves, Gregory L.; Finholt, Thomas A.; Futrelle, Joseph M.; Grant, Steven K.; Jeremic, Boris; Kramer, Steven L.; Kutter, Bruce L.; Matamoros, Adolfo B.; McMullin, Kurt M.; Ramirez, Julio A.; Rathje, Ellen M.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Sanders, David H.; Stokoe, Kenneth H.; Wilson, Daniel W.
Identifier: Text-200606274
Title: Shake table testing and analysis of two-column bents
Creator(s): Sanders, David H.; Moustafa, Khaled F. M.; Saiidi, Mehdi; El-Azazy, Saad S.
Identifier: Text-200606275
Title: Seismic design issues in bridge columns with interlocking spirals
Creator(s): Correal, Juan F.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Sanders, David H.; El-Azazy, Saad S.
Identifier: Text-200606276
Title: Seismic design of flared columns
Creator(s): Sanders, David H.; Nada, Hisham M.; Saiidi, Mehdi
Identifier: Text-200606278
Title: Bridge seismic analysis procedure to address near-fault effects
Creator(s): Choi, Hoon; Saiidi, Mehdi; Somerville, Paul G.; El-Azazy, Saad S.
Identifier: Text-2008032513
Title: Seismic retrofit of r/c bridge columns with inadequate bar anchorage in footings
Creator(s): Darwish, Ihab S.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Sanders, David H.
Identifier: Text-200809153
Title: Simple and complex models for nonlinear seismic response of reinforced concrete structures
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi; Sozen, Mete A.
Identifier: Text-201004022
Title: Hysteresis models for reinforced concrete
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi
Identifier: Text-201009151
Title: Dynamic assessment and retrofitting of reinforced concrete bridge bents
Creator(s): Pulido, C.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Sanders, David H.; Itani, Ahmad M.
Identifier: Text-201009152
Title: Experimental and analytical study of circular flexural retrofitted columns subjected to shake table loading
Creator(s): Laplace, Patrick; Sanders, David H.; Saiidi, Mehdi
Identifier: Text-201009153
Title: Shake table testing of a substandard two column bent with round hinged columns
Creator(s): Moore, Jennifer; Sanders, David H.; Saiidi, Mehdi
Identifier: Text-201111041
Title: Simple nonlinear seismic analysis of RC structures
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi; Sozen, Mete A.
Identifier: Text-2012041310
Title: Evaluation of a performance of a skew bridge in Wenchuan 2008 earthquake
Creator(s): Zhang, Hua; Li, Jianzhong; Saiidi, Mehdi
Identifier: Text-2013040416
Title: Experimental evaluation of performance of conventional bridge systems
Creator(s): Nelson, Robert B.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Zadeh, S.
Identifier: Text-201403042
Title: Shake-table studies of a two span, reinforced concrete bridge
Creator(s): Johnson, Nathan S.; Ranf, Richard T.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Sanders, David H.; Eberhard, Marc O.
Identifier: Text-201404167
Title: Bridge research at the University of Nevada
Creator(s): Douglas, Bruce M.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Norris, Gary; Maragakis, Emmanuel M.
Identifier: Text-2014081311
Title: An Explanatory experimental study of near-fault ground motion effects on reinforced concrete bridge columns
Creator(s): Phan, V.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Anderson, John G.; Ghasemi, H.
Identifier: Text-2015040220
Title: Shake table testing of current column design
Creator(s): Sanders, David H.; Laplace, Patrick; Douglas, Bruce M.; Saiidi, Mehdi
Identifier: Text-201506162
Title: Flare - column bents dynamically tested on a shake table
Creator(s): Nada, Hisham M.; Sanders, David H.; Saiidi, Mehdi
Identifier: Text-2015062511
Title: A New performance based design for spirals in bridge columns
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi; Mortensen, Jessen
Identifier: Text-2016012916
Title: Analysis of the shake table response of a two-span bridge system
Creator(s): Johnson, Nathan S.; Saiidi, Mehdi; Sanders, David H.
Identifier: Text-2016020112
Title: Recent earthquake engineering research at UNR - four examples: FRP restrainers, near-fault effects, column hinges, and shape memory alloy columns
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi
Identifier: Text-201603295
Title: Evaluation of seismic response of bridges with hinge restrainers
Creator(s): Maragakis, E. Manos; Saiidi, Mehdi
Identifier: Text-312950
Title: User's manual for ISADAB and SIBA, computer programs for nonlinear transverse analysis of highway bridges subjected to static and dynamic lateral loads
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi; Lawver, Renee A.; Hart, James D.
Identifier: Text-6959
Title: User's manual for Micro-SARB, a microcomputer program for seismic analysis of regular highway bridges
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi; Orie, Donald
Identifier: Text-6960
Title: A micro-CAD system for seismic design of regular highway bridges
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi; Orie, Donald; Douglas, Bruce M.
Identifier: Text-S20122
Title: User's manual for LZAK-C64 : a computer program to implement the Q-model on Commodore 64
Creator(s): Saiidi, Mehdi; Lawver, Renee A.
Identifier: Text-S21291
Title: A simple hysteretic element for biaxial bending of r/c columns and implementation in NEABS-86
Creator(s): Ghusn, George E.; Saiidi, Mehdi