Identifier: Text-111001809
Title: Dynamic response of light equipment in structures
Creator(s): Der Kiureghian, Armen; Sackman, Jerome L.; Nour-Omid, Bahram
Identifier: Text-1206335
Title: Further studies on seismic interaction in interconnected electrical substation equipment
Creator(s): Der Kiureghian, Armen; Hong, Kee-Jeung; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-13WC000595
Title: Interaction effect on cable-connected electrical equipment
Creator(s): Hong, Kee-Jeung; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-150281
Title: Response of equipment in structures subjected to transient excitation
Creator(s): Hernried, Alan G.; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-200356
Title: Javid's paradox: the influence of preform on the modes of vibrating beams
Creator(s): Kelly, James M.; Sackman, Jerome L.; Javid, Ahmad
Identifier: Text-200607312
Title: Equipment-structure interaction at high frequencies
Creator(s): Kelly, James M.; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-200610318
Title: Seismic response of multiply supported secondary systems in power plant structures
Creator(s): Der Kiureghian, Armen; Sackman, Jerome L.; Kelly, James M.
Identifier: Text-200611072
Title: Seismic response and reliability of electrical substation equipment and systems
Creator(s): Song, Junho; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-201507071
Title: Reducing the effect of interaction between electrical substation equipment connected by rigid bus
Creator(s): Song, Junho; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300043
Title: On Damage Induced Anisotropy for Fiber-Composites
Creator(s): Matzenmiller, Anton; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300074
Title: Modal Properties and Equipment Response of an Equipment-Continuous Structure System
Creator(s): Zhou, Yanming; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300188
Title: Some Methods for the Analysis of Equipment-Structure Interaction
Creator(s): Ingham, Tim J.; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300216
Title: Contact-Impact Problems
Creator(s): Taylor, Robert L.; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300230
Title: Finite Element Models for Large Displacement Contact-Impact Analysis
Creator(s): Hughes, Thomas J. R.; Taylor, Robert L.; Sackman, Jerome L.; Kanok-Nukulchai, Worsak
Identifier: Text-300236
Title: Finite Element Formulation and Solution of Contact-Impact Problems in Continuum Mechanics - III
Creator(s): Hughes, Thomas J. R.; Taylor, Robert L.; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300240
Title: Finite Element Formulation and Solution of Contact-Impact Problems in Continuum Mechanics - II
Creator(s): Hughes, Thomas J. R.; Taylor, Robert L.; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300252
Title: Finite Element Formulation and Solution of Contact-Impact Problems in Continuum Mechanics
Creator(s): Hughes, Thomas J. R.; Taylor, Robert L.; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300334
Title: Quasilinearization and Nonlinear Volterra Integral Equations: I Computation of Creep Deflections of Metal Structures
Creator(s): Distefano, J. Nestor; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300373
Title: Plane waves in linear, hereditary materials
Creator(s): Sackman, Jerome L.; Kaya, Izak
Identifier: Text-300376
Title: Stability of some nonlinear systems
Creator(s): Mostaghel, Naser; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300390
Title: Some Procedures for Obtaining the Short-Time Portion of Creep and Relaxation Functions of Linear Viscoelastic Materials
Creator(s): Sackman, Jerome L.; Kaya, Izak
Identifier: Text-300409
Title: Creep Buckling of a Nonlinearly Viscoelastic Beam-Column
Creator(s): Distefano, J. Nestor; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300411
Title: The Extended Ritz Method Applied to Transient, Coupled Thermoelastic Boundary-Value Problems
Creator(s): Nickell, Robert E.; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300417
Title: Bending of a Cracked, Reinforced Viscoelastic Beam
Creator(s): Sackman, Jerome L.; Nickell, Robert E.
Identifier: Text-300420
Title: Variational Formulations of the Coupled Theory of Linear Thermoelasticity
Creator(s): Nickell, Robert E.; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300433
Title: A Study of a Multiple Integral Representation of the Constitutive Equation of a Nonlinear Viscoelastic Solid
Creator(s): Neis, Vernon V.; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300443
Title: On Reciprocity in General Linear Viscoelasticity
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300444
Title: A Uniqueness Theorem for Aging Viscoelastic Bodies
Creator(s): Lubliner, Jacob; Sackman, Jerome L.
Identifier: Text-300445
Title: An Investigation of Elastic Waves with Imaginary and Complex Wave Numbers in Hollow Rods
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Sackman, Jerome L.; Shah, Arvind H.
Identifier: Text-300446
Title: An Approximate Theory for the Vibrations of Hollow, Elastic Rods
Creator(s): McNiven, Hugh D.; Shah, Arvind H.; Sackman, Jerome L.