Identifier: Software-PSEQGNZIP
Title: PSEQGN: Artificial Generation of Earthquake Accelerograms
Creator(s): Ruiz, Patricio T.; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-3112
Title: Probabilistic study of the behavior of structures during earthquakes
Creator(s): Ruiz, Patricio T.; Penzien, Joseph
Identifier: Text-S23175
Title: Aspectos probabilisticos de las vibraciones
Creator(s): Ruiz, Patricio T.
Identifier: Text-S25647
Title: Dinamica de estructuras
Creator(s): Ruiz, Patricio T.
Identifier: Text-S29531
Title: Mapa[s] de epicentros: sismos Chilenos, 1930-1977
Creator(s): Ruiz, Patricio T.
Identifier: Text-S40105
Title: Probabilistic study of the behavior of structures during earthquakes
Creator(s): Ruiz, Patricio T.; Penzien, Joseph