Identifier: Software-ANSR1ZIP
Title: ANSR-1: Analysis of Nonlinear Structural Response
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.; Riahi, Ali; Row, Dennis G.; Maison, Bruce F.; Popov, Egor P.
Identifier: Software-TOJO80ZIP
Title: TOJO80: Tower-Joint Computer Program
Creator(s): Bouwkamp, Jack G.; Hollings, Jeffrey P.; Maison, Bruce F.; Row, Dennis G.
Identifier: Text-3337
Title: The design of steel energy absorbing restrainers and their incorporation into nuclear power plants for enhanced safety: Volume 2 -- The development of analyses for reactor system piping -- simple systems, complex systems
Creator(s): Lee, Meng-Chi; Penzien, Joseph; Chopra, Anil K.; Suzuki, Kohei; Powell, Graham H.; Wilson, Edward L.; Clough, Ray W.; Row, Dennis G.
Identifier: Text-61000520
Title: Influence of analysis and design assumptions on computed inelastic response of moderately tall frames
Creator(s): Powell, Graham H.; Row, Dennis G.
Identifier: Text-81001325
Title: A substructure technique for nonlinear static and dynamic analysis
Creator(s): Row, Dennis G.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-81001326
Title: Three dimensional inelastic frame elements for the ANSR-I program
Creator(s): Riahi, Ali; Row, Dennis G.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-91001218
Title: 2D beam-column element (type 5 - parallel element theory) for the ANSR-II program
Creator(s): Row, Dennis G.; Powell, Graham H.; Mondkar, Digambar P.
Identifier: Text-S20693
Title: Analysis of earthquake induced response for structures with localized nonlinearities
Creator(s): Row, Dennis G.; Schricker, Vahid
Identifier: Text-S25418
Title: The effects of skew seismic response on reinforced concrete frames
Creator(s): Row, Dennis G.
Identifier: Text-S40141
Title: Influence of analysis and design assumptions on computed inelastic response of moderately tall frames
Creator(s): Powell, G. H.; Row, Dennis G.