Identifier: Text-2010081212
Title: Development of aseismic design and construction in Italy by means of research on large model tests
Creator(s): Oberti, G.
Identifier: Text-S24331
Title: Contribution of models to the modern design and safety control of large concrete dams
Creator(s): Oberti, G.
Identifier: Text-S24398
Title: La modellazione strutturale Structural modelling
Creator(s): Oberti, G.
Identifier: Text-S24399
Title: In memoriam: prof. Pier Luigi Nervi
Creator(s): Oberti, G.
Identifier: Text-S24400
Title: L'evoluzione dei modelli fisici impiegati nello studio delle strutture in calcestruzzo semplice e armato The development of physical models employed in the design of plain and reinforced concrete structures
Creator(s): Oberti, G.
Identifier: Text-S24478
Title: New trends in model research on large structures
Creator(s): Oberti, G.; Castoldi, Aldo
Identifier: Text-S24647
Title: Development of aseismic design and construction in Italy by means of research on large model test
Creator(s): Oberti, G.
Identifier: Text-S24648
Title: Dynamic tests on models of structures
Creator(s): Oberti, G.; Lauletta, E.
Identifier: Text-S24649
Title: Structural models for the study of dam earthquake resistance
Creator(s): Oberti, G.; Lauletta, Enzo
Identifier: Text-S24650
Title: Il comportamento dinamico di dighe in materiale sciolto studiato per mezzo di modelli elastici
Creator(s): Oberti, G.