The Earthquake Engineering Online Archive  NISEE e-Library

Icon Identifier: Text-S24269
Title: Measurements of displacements and strains in axially loaded wooden specimens by laser holography
Creator(s): Brdicko, J.; Olson, Mervyn D.; Madsen, Borg

Icon Identifier: Text-S24492
Title: In-grade testing : size investigation on lumber subjected to bending
Creator(s): Madsen, Borg; Nielsen, Peter C.

Icon Identifier: Text-S24497
Title: In-grade testing : degree of damage due to proof loading of lumber in bending
Creator(s): Madsen, Borg

Icon Identifier: Text-S24526
Title: In-grade testing: problem analysis
Creator(s): Madsen, Borg

Icon Identifier: Text-S34610
Title: In-grade testing : accuracy and confidence computer simulation
Creator(s): Madsen, Borg; Nielsen, Peter C.

Icon Identifier: Text-S34894
Title: Structural behaviour of timber
Creator(s): Madsen, Borg; Nielsen, Lauge F.