Identifier: Text-S24248
Title: Yapilarda zorlanmis titresim deneyleri Forced vibration experiments of structures ... Final report submitted to Ministry of Reconstruction and Resettlement, Eart[h]quake Research Institute
Creator(s): Atalay, Bilgin; Erdik, Mustafa
Identifier: Text-S27324
Title: Cubuk II Barajinin dinamik parametrelerinin deneysel yontemlerle saptanmasi. Devlet su Isleri Genel Mudurlugu'ne [Establishing the dynamic characteristics of the Cubuk II Dam by experimental procedures. Report to the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, Govt. of Turkey]
Creator(s): Atalay, Bilgin
Identifier: Text-S27329
Title: Earthquake response analysis of the power intake structure of the Ataturk dam
Creator(s): Atalay, Bilgin