Identifier: Text-200612011
Title: An overview of the project of next generation of ground motion attenuation models for shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regions
Creator(s): Power, Maurice S.; Abrahamson, Norman A.; Roblee, Clifford J.; Chiou, Brian S. J.
Identifier: Text-200706071
Title: Design ground motion library
Creator(s): Power, Maurice S.; Youngs, Robert R.; Chin, Chih-Cheng
Identifier: Text-200706072
Title: Design ground motion library: a progress report
Creator(s): Power, Maurice S.
Identifier: Text-200804029
Title: Issues and alternatives for representing the national seismic hazard for highway and bridge design
Creator(s): Power, Maurice S.; Rosidi, Dario; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Youngs, Robert R.
Identifier: Text-201005076
Title: Development of seismic ground motions for San Francisco Bay bridges
Creator(s): Power, Maurice S.
Identifier: Text-201205032
Title: Seismic retrofitting manual for highway structures : Part 1 - Bridges
Creator(s): Buckle, Ian G.; Friedland, Ian M.; Mander, John B.; Martin, Geoffrey R.; Nutt, Richard V.; Power, Maurice S.
Identifier: Text-201205033
Title: Seismic retrofitting manual for highway structures : Part 2 - Retaining structures, slopes, tunnels, culverts, and roadways
Creator(s): Power, Maurice S.; Fishman, Kenneth L.; Richards, Rowland; Makdisi, Faiz I.; Musser, Samuel; Youd, T. Leslie
Identifier: Text-201401138
Title: The "Next generation of ground motion attenuation models" (NGA) project : an overview
Creator(s): Power, Maurice S.; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Abrahamson, Norman A.; Roblee, Clifford J.
Identifier: Text-201405213
Title: Design ground motion library
Creator(s): Youngs, Robert R.; Power, Maurice S.; Chin, Chih-Cheng
Identifier: Text-201407032
Title: Development of seismic ground motion criteria for the ASCE 7 standard
Creator(s): Crouse, C. B.; Leyendecker, Edgar V.; Somerville, Paul G.; Power, Maurice S.; Silva, Walter J.
Identifier: Text-201503133
Title: Engineering characterization of ground motion - Task 11 : observational data on spatial variations of earthquake ground motion
Creator(s): Chang, C.- Y.; Power, Maurice S.; Idriss, I. M.; Somerville, Paul G.; Chen, P. C.
Identifier: Text-201503161
Title: Engineering characterization of ground motion - Task 11 : Soil-structure interaction effects on structural response
Creator(s): Luco, Juan Enrique; Wong, H. L.; Chang, C.- Y.; Power, Maurice S.; Idriss, Izzat M.
Identifier: Text-8951
Title: Preliminary report on the principal geotechnical aspects of the October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
Creator(s): Seed, Raymond B.; Dickenson, Stephen E.; Riemer, Michael F.; Bray, Jonathan D.; Sitar, Nicholas; Mitchell, James Kenneth; Idriss, I. M.; Kayen, Robert E.; Kropp, Alan L.; Harder, Leslie F.; Power, Maurice S.
Identifier: Text-LIB050182
Title: Seismic fragility formulations for water systems, Part 1: Guideline
Creator(s): Eidinger, John M.; Avila, Ernesto A.; Ballantyne, Donald B.; Cheng, Luke; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Maison, Bruce F.; O'Rourke, Thomas D.; Power, Maurice S.
Identifier: Text-LIB050268
Title: Specification of long-period ground motions: updated attenuation relationships for rock site conditions and adjustment factors for near-fault effects
Creator(s): Sadigh, Khosrow; Chang, C. Y.; Abrahamson, Norman A.; Chiou, Brian S. J.; Power, Maurice S.