Identifier: Software-ANSR1ZIP
Title: ANSR-1: Analysis of Nonlinear Structural Response
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.; Riahi, Ali; Row, Dennis G.; Maison, Bruce F.; Popov, Egor P.
Identifier: Software-CURVBRGZIP
Title: CURVBRG: Analysis of Curved Open Girder Bridges
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Software-DRAIN2DXZIP
Title: DRAIN-2DX: Static and Dynamic Analysis of Inelastic Plane Structures
Creator(s): Prakash, Vipul; Powell, Graham H.; Campbell, Scott D.
Identifier: Software-DRAIN3DXZIP
Title: DRAIN-3DX: Static and Dynamic Analysis of Inelastic 3D Structures
Creator(s): Powell, Graham H.; Campbell, Scott D.
Identifier: Software-DRAINBLDZIP
Title: DRAIN-BUILDING: Static and Dynamic Analysis of Inelastic Building Structures
Creator(s): Prakash, Vipul; Powell, Graham H.; Filippou, Filip C.
Identifier: Software-DRTABSZIP
Title: DRAIN-TABS: Inelastic Earthquake Response of Three-Dimensional Buildings
Creator(s): Guendelman-Israel, Rafael; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Software-MSBOXZIP
Title: MSBOX: Automated Design of Prestressed Concrete Box Girder Bridges
Creator(s): Ramakrishna, Lakkaraju V.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Software-ULARCZIP
Title: ULARC: Small Displacements Elasto-Plastic Analysis of Plane Frames
Creator(s): Sudhakar, Arun; Powell, Graham H.; Orr, G.; Wheaton, R. D.
Identifier: Text-1000457
Title: Static and dynamic analysis of inelastic frame structures
Creator(s): Porter, Frank L.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-101001400
Title: U-bar restraint element (type 11) for the ANSR-II program
Creator(s): Oughourlian, Carlo V.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-101001401
Title: Gap-friction element (type 5) for the ANSR-II program
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-101001402
Title: 3D solid element (type 4 - elastic or elastic-perfectly-plastic) for the ANSR-II program
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-101001404
Title: 2D plane/axisymmetric solid element (type 3 - elastic or elastic-perfectly-plastic) for the ANSR-II program
Creator(s): Mondkar, Digambar P.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-101001405
Title: Inelastic seismic analysis of large panel buildings
Creator(s): Schricker, Vahid; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-111001216
Title: The design of steel energy-absorbing restrainers and their incorporation into nuclear power plants for enhanced safety (final technical report, vol 1A): Piping with energy-absorbing restrainers: parameter study on small systems
Creator(s): Powell, Graham H.; Oughourlian, Carlo V.; Simons, Jeffrey W.
Identifier: Text-121000912
Title: Generalized plastic hinge concepts for 3D beam-column elements
Creator(s): Chen, Paul Fu-Song; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-121000979
Title: Inelastic analysis of piping and tubular structures
Creator(s): Mahasuverachai, Mana; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-121000993
Title: Computational models for cyclic plasticity, rate dependence, and creep in finite element analysis
Creator(s): Mosaddad, Bahram; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-121001003
Title: ANSR-III: general purpose computer program for nonlinear structural analysis
Creator(s): Oughourlian, Carlo V.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-121001034
Title: Solution strategies for statically loaded nonlinear structures
Creator(s): Simons, Jeffrey W.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-12435
Title: A preliminary study on energy dissipating cladding-to-frame connections
Creator(s): Cohen, Julie Mark; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-200512121
Title: DRAIN-BUILDING Preliminary Element User Guide
Creator(s): Prakash, Vipul; Powell, Graham H.; Campbell, Scott D.; Filippou, Filip C.
Identifier: Text-200707136
Title: Observations on the practical application of nonlinear analysis
Creator(s): Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-201204122
Title: Comparison of alternative procedures for design of tall steel frames
Creator(s): Loo, Scott H-D.; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-201402208
Title: Static pushover methods - explanation, comparison and implementation
Creator(s): Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-2016032910
Title: Effective use of nonlinear analysis for bridge structures
Creator(s): Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-201912132
Title: Modeling for structural analysis : behavior and basics
Creator(s): Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-225778
Title: Drain-2DX: base program user guide
Creator(s): Prakash, Vipul; Powell, Graham H.; Filippou, Filip C.
Identifier: Text-241279
Title: DRAIN-2DX, DRAIN-3DX and DRAIN-building: base program design documentation
Creator(s): Prakash, Vipul; Powell, Graham H.
Identifier: Text-241459
Title: DRAIN-3DX: base program user guide
Creator(s): Prakash, Vipul; Powell, Graham H.; Filippou, Filip C.