Identifier: Text-111001926
Title: DELIGHT.STRUCT: a computer-aided design environment for structural engineering
Creator(s): Balling, Richard J.; Pister, Karl S.; Polak, Elijah L.
Identifier: Text-111001927
Title: Optimal design of seismic-resistant planar steel frames
Creator(s): Balling, Richard J.; Ciampi, Vincenzo; Pister, Karl S.; Polak, Elijah L.
Identifier: Text-237160
Title: Evaluation of an active variable-damping-structure
Creator(s): Polak, Elijah L.; Meeker, Gary O.; Yamada, Kazuhiko; Kurata, Narito
Identifier: Text-61000880
Title: Sensitivity analysis for hysteretic dynamic systems: theory and applications
Creator(s): Ray, Debabrata; Pister, Karl S.; Polak, Elijah L.
Identifier: Text-81001548
Title: Optimal design of an earthquake isolation system
Creator(s): Bhatti, M. Asghar; Pister, Karl S.; Polak, Elijah L.
Identifier: Text-91001216
Title: OPTDYN: a general purpose optimization program for problems with or without dynamic constraints
Creator(s): Bhatti, M. Asghar; Polak, Elijah L.; Pister, Karl S.
Identifier: Text-958216
Title: Reliability-based design optimization of series structural systems
Creator(s): Royset, Johannes O.; Der Kiureghian, Armen; Polak, Elijah L.