Identifier: Text-S23922
Title: Effect of soil structure interaction on seismic response
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.; Reimer, R. B.
Identifier: Text-S24092
Title: Dynamics of a concrete dam-reservoir system on a flexible layer foundation
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.; Varoglu, Erol
Identifier: Text-S24770
Title: Seismic testing of soil models
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.
Identifier: Text-S24771
Title: A shaking table study of the liquefaction of saturated sands during earthquakes
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.
Identifier: Text-S26141
Title: Dynamic response of earth dams
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.; Khanna, J.
Identifier: Text-S26142
Title: Static and seismic behaviour of an earth dam
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.
Identifier: Text-S26248
Title: Fundamentals of liquefaction under cyclic loading
Creator(s): Martin, Geoffrey R.; Finn, W. D.; Seed, H. B.
Identifier: Text-S26324
Title: Sand liquefaction in triaxial and simple shear tests
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.; Pickering, D. J.; Bransby, P. L.
Identifier: Text-S26361
Title: Static and dynamic stresses in slopes
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.
Identifier: Text-S26362
Title: Deformations in creeping slopes
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.; Emery, J. J.
Identifier: Text-S26363
Title: Seismic response of slopes
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.; Byrne, P. M.
Identifier: Text-S26364
Title: Static and seismic analysis of slopes
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.
Identifier: Text-S26494
Title: Effect of strain history on the liquefaction of sand
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.
Identifier: Text-S26569
Title: Finite element analysis of seepage
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.
Identifier: Text-S29584
Title: Estimating settlements in sands during earthquakes
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.; Byrne, P. M.
Identifier: Text-S37848
Title: Fourth International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics Symposium in honor of Professor W.D. Liam Finn, San Diego, California, March 26-31 2001 : [proceedings]
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.; Prakash, Shamsher
Identifier: Text-S39066
Title: Verification of non-linear effective stress model in simple shear
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.; Bhatia, Shobha L.
Identifier: Text-S39084
Title: Soil as an anisotropic kinematic hardening solid
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-S39085
Title: Wave induced instability in ocean floor sands
Creator(s): Finn, W. D.; Siddharthan, Rajaratnam; Martin, Geoffrey R.
Identifier: Text-S39530
Title: Earthquake design and performance of solid waste landfills : proceedings of the session sponsored by the Soil Mechanics Committee of the Geotechnical Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers in conjunction with the ASCE convention in San Diego, California, October 23-27,1995
Creator(s): Yegian, Mishac K.; Finn, W. D.